11/29/01YPP Town Meeting The report indicates diversity may need to be sacrificed for the sake of Linear Collider construction/operation. How do you feel about this ? Does the report adequately define how theory should be supported in the future, relative to current levels ? Does the report properly identify and outline failure scenarios ? Diversity
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting Are young physicists prepared to have some large fraction of us become accelerator physicists to support a LC ? What can be done to improve the career path of accelerator physicists should we need more ? Does this report ensure a good training ground for young physicists in the US during the Linear Collider construction phase ? Linear Collider
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting Are you happy with the training ground options that the report suggests: LHC B physics - BTeV/Babar/Belle Kaon physics – CKM/MECO Cosmic Rays – Ice Cube Neutrino Physics - NUMI-Minos/NUSL Cosmology – SNAP Do you think you have been given all you need to know in order to support this recommendation ? Linear Collider
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting The report gives limited information regarding LC funding. Can we make a decision based on this information ? The report recommends a LC in the United States with international collaboration.What do you think about this? Is the road map laid out for this in the report? Is the mechanism for making the collaboration international planned out ? Is the LC collaboration, as stated, international ? Linear Collider
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting What do you think of the reports recommendations regarding BTeV ? Does the report properly address the Tevatrons future for a number of different scenarios e.g. if BTeV doesnt run if LC is not at FNAL Fermilab Specific Issues
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting Is P5 a good replacement for the present funding scheme ? Do we need P5 bylaws/constitution/mission statement in order to make a decision ? Should we request young physicist representation on P5? Who makes up P5? How many members? How are they selected ? To whom they report ? Do we need to know these things at this stage ? P5 – Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel
11/29/01YPP Town Meeting Miscellaneous Does this report say enough about the next 5 Years - an important time for young physicists ? Has the world changed enough to warrant a revision of the document ? (Sep. 11th, Super K accident, LHC budgetary problems.)