Presented by: SELFIE
The demand for body parts and organ transplant exceeds the number of available donors. According to Biotechnology Industry Organization (2010), 10 people die each day waiting for donors that is genetically match with them. To address this problem, researchers discovered Therapeutic Cloning – use of embryonic stem cell in engineering of limbs, skin bladders and etc. that matches the individual.
A. Organ Rejection - Graft versus host disease. This happens because stem cells contain cells from the donor’s immune system. These cells can sometimes recognize your own tissues as being foreign and attack them.
B. Health Complications Adult cells are limiting, so therapeutic cloning relies on stem cells extracted from the embryos. Just a small portion of stem cells are usable. You will have low white blood cells count after the treatment, making the individual at risk of getting infection for 2-4 weeks. ( Some cells mutate and cause tumors in patients.
Costly - Insufficient supply of eggs needed - Lack of advance medical technology - Procedure is highly expensive
Procedure is ethically wrong and against the natural cycle of life Extraction of eggs from females are painful