City of Richmond Youth Survey Survey Volunteer Training December 2013
Volunteer Training This PowerPoint is a resource for the many volunteers that will help administer the City of Richmond Virginia Youth Survey A training will also be provided at each school before the survey begins Each volunteer is asked to administer the survey in 1 or 2 classroom during the specified time frame Please report to the main office with a state-issued ID
Purpose of the VYS The Virginia Youth Survey (VYS) has been developed to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth. The Richmond City Virginia Youth Survey is a collaborative effort by many local community organizations, the City of Richmond, and the Virginia Department of Health. The survey measures various behaviors including: Behaviors related to injuries and violence Alcohol and other drug use Dietary behaviors Physical activity Additional technical information and data are available on the VDH website:
Causes of Death among Teens (12-19 yrs.) in Virginia,
Causes of Death among Teens (12-19 yrs.) in Virginia, by Year
Number of Deaths among Teens (12-19 yrs.) in Virginia,
Importance of Survey Procedures This year 17 schools throughout the City of Richmond are participating Over 5,500 middle and high school students will complete the survey In order to ensure consistency across each participating school and classroom the following documents will be provided: o This PowerPoint (Survey Volunteer Training) o Script for Survey Administrators Please review each document before administering the survey in the classroom
Survey Materials The following materials will be provided for each classroom: Survey booklets Answer sheets (Scantron) #2 pencils Envelope in which students can put their completed Answer Sheets Classroom Sheet with the number of enrolled and participating students
Survey Environment Do not allow anyone to talk or wander around the classroom once the survey has begun. The teachers will remain in the classroom in order to help proctor and supervise the students. If a student refuses to complete the survey please have the teacher find them an alternate activity.
Administering the Survey to Students Ask the teacher for the number of students enrolled in the class and record on the Classroom Sheet Read the Script for Survey Administrators aloud to the students before they begin the survey ( a copy will be provided on the day of administration) Remind students not to write their names on the survey materials Allow enough time for students to complete the survey (45 minutes) Students should only use #2 pencils to complete the survey Once all students have turned in their questionnaire booklets and answer sheets, record the number of students in the class who completed the survey on the provided Classroom Sheet.
Example Script for Survey Administrators Please read the script to the right when administering the survey in the classroom ( a copy will be provided) After the survey begins please do not answer specific questions from students. Please ask students to select the best answer for each question Students may skip any question they do not understand
Answer Sheets The bubbles on the back of the Answer Sheets do not need to be filled-in. Please leave the bubbles blank.
Answer Sheets Students should only fill in bubbles on the answer sheet. One bubble is filled in completely for each answer except for question number 5 (multiple answers may be bubbled). The example to the left is student who wrote on the answer sheet. Students should be instructed not to write on the answer sheet.
Survey Booklet Below and to the right are example pages from survey booklets. Please instruct the students not to write on the survey booklet.
Confidentiality Survey administrators help to protect the confidentiality of schools and the anonymity of students, improve the quality of data collected, and increase survey response rates Please do not review survey responses as students turn in their answer sheets Please assure students that their answers are kept confidential and no information that could identify them is collected
Returning the Survey Materials Bundle the materials including answer sheets for the class Please return all of the materials to the main office (including pencils). A Virginia Department of Health representative will collect all of the materials.