QUESTIONNAIRE France : Total number of pupils: 30Age: 13 Total number of girls: 14France Total number of boys: 16
70% of the pupils watch TV commercials. We can notice that the % is the same for boys and girls (±70%). When we ask the students if they are influenced by TV ads when they buy a product, more than 55% answer NO. However, if you ask them if they have already bought unhealthy food advertised by TV commercials 77 % say YES. The % show that pupils seem to be unaware of the TV commercials influence on their way of consuming (70% watch- 70% buy).
According to the graphs, children mostly buy sweets, chocolates and crisps (40% for both). Only boys buy energy drinks (maybe because of the image of strength and virility conveyed by the drink). A large part of the pupils consumes unhealthy food every day with a % of 43 and they all eat unhealthy food at least once in a week. 56% buy it by themselves while 100 % think advertising or consuming unhealthy food is bad.
General facts In 1997, the obesity represented 8.5% of the population. 15 years later, the figure has become 15%. 18% of children are overweight and 3.5% obese. In our country, there are twice as many obese people in the working classes as in the middle and upper classes. Why? Because of a too rich diet, a chronic lack of physical education but also an overconsumption of low cost processed food and drinks. Our school is located in the poorest districts of Marseille where migrants live. In our school there is a great percentage of pupils confronted with hardship because their parents are unemployed. Parents don’t buy vegetables because they are expensive Pupils don’t eat at the canteen because they prefer eating snacks outside Pupils don’t practise any sport because of religious and money matters.