Oney D. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. Associate Provost for Student Retention 1
Student Support Services (SSS) Tutoring - One-on-one as well as group tutoring is provided for all SSS students. Students who have a C or below at mid-term are required to enroll in tutoring. If you are an SSS Student and would like to request tutoring, please fill out the Tutor Request Form and return to the SSS office. Academic Advising/Personal Counseling - Each student who is accepted into the program will be assigned an academic advisor/counselor. At least once a semester, students will meet with their advisor to discuss class schedules, grades, academic needs, and other school related issues. Computer Lab - The SSS computer lab is equipped with internet access and several study and tutorial programs. This lab is reserved for SSS students only. Self-Help Library - A self-help library is located in the main SSS office. SSS students can check out books on various topics from scholarship search to study prep to career exploration. Student Lounge - In addition to the computer lab and self-help library, SSS also has a student lounge especially designated for our students. The lounge provides a quiet place for our students to study, chat with friends, or take a nap between classes. Career Counseling - Students who are undecided or unsure about their declared major are encouraged to participate in career counseling. This will include value and skill assessment, one-on-one counseling sessions, and assistance in locating mentors and internships. 24
McNair Scholars Program The mission of the McNair Scholars Program is to provide promising undergraduates with the knowledge necessary to achieve and successfully obtain a terminal degree. This is done through enhancement workshops, advanced research, a mentoring program, and a supportive atmosphere. Objectives To identify, recruit, and select at least 20 eligible students per year. 90% of McNair Scholars will complete their undergraduate studies within 3 years of program entry. 90% of participants will complete research competencies as evaluated by their faculty mentor and McNair staff. To conduct an individualized assessment of 100% of the McNair Scholars upon entry into the program in order to determine specific academic and other problems that present barriers to success within the university environment. 85% of graduating McNair Scholars will achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above by the time they apply for graduate school. 75% of the graduating McNair Scholars will demonstrate doctoral study readiness by the end of their program year as assessed by the faculty mentor, McNair staff and pre-test/post-test graduate school questionnaire. 100% of the McNair Scholars will be assisted in successfully applying for financial aid, scholarships, fellowships and assistantships for graduate school. 90% of the graduating McNair Scholars will earn a graduate entrance examination score equal or greater than that required from application to an appropriate graduate program. To enable at least 75% of graduating McNair Scholars to enroll in a post baccalaureate program within 2 years of graduation. To enable 65% of Scholars to earn a doctorate within 10 years of entry into a graduate program. To ensure that 80% of McNair Scholars attend at least 4 academic enrichment activities and 2 cultural events prior to completion of the program to feel part of the campus and ensure an environment of comfort. 26
27 LAMAR UNIVERSITY has always been dedicated to preparing students to succeed – in the classroom, in their careers, and as lifelong learners enhancing their communities. A Washington Post column even advised students to “Forget Harvard and think Lamar,” recognizing the strength of LU’s core curriculum in providing students a valuable, broad base of essential knowledge
University Success Seminar - LAMAR 1101 What Students Gain By Taking LAMAR 1101 Building friendships with other new students to navigate college life together Easier transition to college life at LU Time-management strategies to successfully juggle academic and social demands Note-taking and study skills to learn more and earn higher grades Financial planning information to make sound monetary decisions Introduction to Lamar University resources to know where to go for help Networking with peer advisors and faculty mentors to have someone to ask when questions arise Fun group activities to develop a supportive community to enjoy college Lamar 1101 is one of several initiatives demonstrating LU’s commitment to providing students with the tools they need to be successful, from the time they enter Lamar University until they earn their diploma and graduate. 28
National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. College Mentoring Program - Lamar University “A United Brotherhood of Mentoring and Support”
Goal of the Pan-Hellenic Mentoring Program To contribute to the improvement of retention and graduation rates of African American male students by aiding in their academic, emotional and social adjustment to college via a mentoring process. 4 December 2012 Afri can Am eric an Mal es in Coll ege Ach iev em ent and Suc ess Sy mp osi um - Aus tin, Tx 30
UNIVERSITY ADVISING CENTER (UAC) Freshmen and sophomores with fewer than 60 credit hours are advised in the Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC). The UAC supports the mission of Lamar University by enhancing student development and success through exemplary service, collaboration, and support in academic advising. The UAC facilitates student success and engagement by advising, enrolling, tracking, and referring students to faculty, departments, support services, and activities. The UAC proactively assesses and responds to student needs as professional advisors meet multiple times each semester to formulate the appropriate plan for student success toward degree completion. Students with over 60 credit hours meet with advisors within their academic major. Extensive advisement opportunities for Juniors and Seniors are also available through the Offices of Student Advising and Retention Services (STARS). 31
Challenge For Higher Education…what we hope to achieve To improve odds of student success by addressing Self-esteem issues Academic preparation issues Resource issues Adjustment issues