The Sisters Grimm -The Unusual Suspects- By: Katrin Friesen
The Mood in the Beginning The mood in the beginning was getting questionable Evidence: - Teacher was murdered - Scarlet handprint at the site of the murder - Spider webs at the site of the murder - Kids were all tired at school
The Mood in the Middle The mood in the middle of the book was getting suspenseful Evidence: - More and more crimes were happening - Finding more and more clues - Working secretly - Attacked by frog-girl
The Mood at the End The mood at the end of the book was tense Evidence: - Clues were unraveling - School might blow up - Kids are digging underground at night - Found out who murdered the teacher
Summary The Sisters Grimm 2 is about two sisters- descended from the brothers Grimm- who solve crimes with their Grandmother. This crime involves Rumpleskiltskin, 3 mutant kids, scarlet hand prints, kid-slaves, and a murder with a lot of questions. I loved this book, so if your looking for suspenseful crimes and old favorite fairy tale characters this is your book to read.
Picture of the Book The Sisters Grimm The Sisters Grimm -The Unusual Suspects- Is By: Is By: Michael Buckley Michael Buckley There are 10 in the There are 10 in the series this is the 2nd one