The Frog Prince "People aren't always how they initially seem." Katie Myers, Meghan Rauker and Amaya Lucas
The Frog Prince One day a Princess is playing with her golden ball when it falls into a well. A frog retrieves it for her on the condition that she will take him back to the castle as her companion. Instead she runs away but the next day he arrives at the castle. Her father tells her she must make good on her promise so she begrudgingly follows his wishes. This good deed is repaid when the frog turns into a handsome prince and the Princess sees that he is more than he seemed.
Lesson Learned People aren't always how they appear at first; in other words, don't judge a book by its cover. A frog may turn out to be a handsome prince. This theme can be seen again and again in popular movies and classic literature.
Examples Emperor's New Groove -Emperor Kuzco was turned into a llama -People didn't take him seriously -Trials made him a better person -He sees how people judged him when he was emperor ~Encouraged him to change his ways -Once he turned back into his normal form, people realized that he had admirable traits and was a better person than they had thought.
Beauty and the Beast -Belle is searching for her "golden ball" (her father) which is imprisoned in the castle. -Similar to the frog retrieving the ball, the Beast had the ability to return Belle's father -Belle is disgusted by the Beast, but learns that he is not how he appears. Instead of being terrible, he is kindhearted and caring.
The Cystal Ball -A sorceress has 3 sons. She is afraid they will try to steal her powers, so she turns one into an eagle and the other into an whale. -The third son runs away and decides to rescue a beautiful princess in a faraway castle -A spell that was cast on the princess took away her beauty but her real appearance could be seen in a mirror -He set off on a task to destroy the magician using a crystal ball -The spell is broken; he and the princess were married
Citation: "The Frog Prince." Classic Children's Stories. Web. 15 Sept Grimm, Jacob, and Wilhelm Grimm. "The Crystal Ball." The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: from Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm : Texts, Criticism. New York: W.W. Norton, Print. Works Cited