1. need : knead :: cite : a. quote b. mention c. sight d. manifest 2. alike: identical :: tranquil: a. timid b. devious c. peaceful d. hardy
A Cultured Character Folktales Fairytales Fables
Subgenre: Fairytales Myths Legends Fables Parable
A folktale is a story that was passed from generation to generation by word of mouth long before it was ever written. Storytellers recount folktales, adding their own personal touches to entertain listeners and to teach a moral, or lesson.
Fairytales are stories with fairies or other magical creatures, and are usually written for children. A modern fairy tale is written in a traditional style with the elements of folklore but with a contemporary twist.
Narration demonstrating a useful truth Animals speak as humans Supernatural tales Morals or lessons are revealed and stated at the end. Characters often have generic names such as Dog, Rooster, Boy. Fable adaptations are now being published.
A recurring thematic element a story. It could be a dominant theme or a central idea that is consistent throughout the genre.
Yeh-Shen Cinderella Ashenputtel
The setting is where the story takes place. It can be a place that truly exists or an imaginary place.
Home Paradise (literal or figurative) Bad place – from which the protagonist tries to escape Usually features a castle, forest, or a town.
Characters in folktales can be people or talking animals who sometimes have extraordinary or magical abilities. Good (nice) characters Evil (mean) characters Helper character – friend
The conflicts are usually everyday problems that most people likely experience. The resolution is always that good wins over evil.
The style of a folktale is informal and conversational and reflects the culture of its origin. Stylistic Motif Begins with “Once upon a time” Ends with “…happily ever after”
The theme of a folktale, or the folktale's moral, is to teach a lesson or value.
There are at least 900 versions of the Cinderella story.“Yeh-Shen” is, perhaps, the original story and it comes from China in A.D. Admirable traits for Chinese women: obedience and dependence. Cultural characteristics in the story: shoe size.
In 1697, Charles Pirrault authored a French version of the Cinderella story. This is the version that was later adapted by Disney and is the tale we are most familiar with today. In this version, however, Cinderella intentionally left her slipper behind and the prince never sees her in “rags.”
Read the German version of Cinderella, “Ashenputtel” by The Brothers Grimm. As you read, identify three characteristics of a fairytale represented in the story and write your answers in your English binders. Bring your textbook and your binders to class tomorrow.
Rheinhart., & Holt, W. (2008). Elements of literature, first course (Teacher's ed). New York: Holt, Rhinehart, & Winston. Disney collection. (n.d.). Thomas Kincade. Retrieved October 6, 2010, from GenreCharacteristicsChart.pdf. (n.d.). uascentral. Retrieved October 6, 2010, from J01/GenreCharacteristicsChart.p J01/GenreCharacteristicsChart.p Adamson, A. (Director). (2003). Shrek (Full Screen Single Disc Edition) [Motion picture]. USA: Dreamworks Animated.