War & Peace For the full publication go to
Reflections… How would you describe our world? At war? At peace? How do you deal with conflict? Do you know how to work for peace and reconciliation? Are there conflicts in your life? In your church? Does your Christian witness promote division or wholeness? How did Jesus relate to conflict and peace on earth?
What does the Bible say about conflict and peace, our enemies and ourselves?
Theology: war & peace Q: Who is your enemy? Q: What does it mean to love them? Q: Can you think of any examples of someone loving their enemy? ‘Love your enemies, do good to them.’ (Luke 6: 35)
Q: What do you think God’s mission is? Q: What is reconciliation? Q: How has God reconciled you to himself? Theology: war & peace The mission of God in our fallen, broken world is reconciliation. (Reconciliation Network)
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. (Col 3: 15) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matt 5: 9)
Going global The world is a diverse place, and conflict and reconciliation will look different in each region
Peacemaking in Uganda being culturally relevant A country blighted by conflict Making peace requires justice… but what is justice?
“When elephants fight, it’s the grass that gets crushed” (African proverb) Peacemaking in Uganda being culturally relevant
Mato oput is a traditional justice system used by the Acholi people of northern Uganda. The offender and victim come together. The guilty party beats a stick and runs away, to symbolise he accepts guilt. Compensation is paid. Slaughtered sheep are exchanged to signify unity. The parties share a bitter drink to signify the end of bitterness. Peacemaking in Uganda being culturally relevant
Pray… …for BMS mission personnel working for justice in Uganda Graeme & Jenny Riddell Caroline & Steve Sanderson Anna & Matthew Price
Bringing it closer to home What about conflict in church?
Facing conflict in your church Disagreement and conflict in the church are inevitable. However, it is our response to conflict that is critical. (Bridge Builders)
Facing conflict in your church The Church’s ministry of reconciliation flows from a call to being a reconciled community. (Reconciliation Network)
How do you fit into this?
Think of a conflict situation in your personal life… with a friend, a neighbour, colleague or family member. Here are some helpful pointers…
Five questions to reflect on and pray through, when in conflict with another person 1.What does the Lord appreciate about this person? Can I see those qualities in them? 2.Why am I taking my position? Is that true, or is there something behind it?
Five questions to reflect on and pray through, when in conflict with another person 3.What is important in this situation? 4.What alternative solutions are there? Which of them could I live with?
Five questions to reflect on and pray through, when in conflict with another person 5.How have I contributed to this situation? Is there anything I need to ask the Lord to help me repent of? (The Teal Trust)
Looking to Jesus
Bible reflection Q: How do you normally think of Jesus? As a ‘bringer of peace’ or as a ‘bringer of division’? What did Jesus teach? How did he live? What did he come to do?
Bible reflection Jesus: peacemaker Brings healing, wholeness, inclusivity, renewing relationships, forgiving sins. The longed-for Prince of Peace. ‘Peace be with you’.
Bible reflection Jesus: disturber of the peace Revolutionary message He demanded complete loyalty. Challenges every culture and people ‘Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.’ (Luke 12: 51).
Bible reflection Q: How do you react to Jesus and his challenging message?
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Num 6: 24-26)