Caring for those with additional needs! LI: To discuss the attitudes and values society has towards those with additional needs. Key Terms: Positive, negative, dependent, independent, barriers, Warnock report
Hidden pleasures Disabled people want intimate relationships like everyone else. So why does society appear so anxious to ignore, deny or stereotype their sexuality? Helen McNutt reports
Attitudes and values to those with additional needs (service users) Historically we perceive that society’s attitudes and values would be quiet negative. With scenes of disabled children be housed in mass institutes, kind of like want you imagine in a Romanian orphanage. Shame Hidden Punishment Weakness
Attitudes and values to those with additional needs (service users) But was it all negative or where they simply looking after those who could not help themselves? Thankfully attitudes have changed, and mellowed in modern times. Since the End of world war II, disabled people have been viewed as being deserving of help. The establishment of the NHS (1948), free health care has helped facilitate medical care. Advances in science (information about the disease and treatments) Higher levels of education Living standards have improved.
Attitude Toward Disabled Persons: A Comparison of School Teachers and Physical Therapists By Diane Bohlander 1985 Abstract Thirty-one regular classroom teachers and thirty-one physical therapists from Greenville, South Carolina, were compared regarding their responses to a survey of their attitudes toward disabled persons. The instrument used was the Attitude Toward Disabled Persons Scale designed by Yuker, Block and Younng. Speakman and Kung used this instrument to establish norms for physical therapists. Against there norms, the teachers had a mean percentile score of A rank order analysis with the Mann-Whitney U test demonstrated that the findings were significant at greater thatnt he.05 level to reject the null hypothesis of no difference in the attitudes of the tow groups. Threes demographic variables were also identified. The regular classroom teachers had not had as much contact with the disabled as had the therapist. The total years of formal education and professional experiences of the two groups were similar. The analysis of the raw scores for the correctness of the response by agreeing or disagreeing with the items suggested poor item discrimination with the instrument
Made numerous recommendations about disabilities. This is the opening paragraph on special education needs. “"It is imperative that every teacher should appreciate that up to one child in five is likely to require some form of special educational help at some time during his school career and that this may be provided not only in separate schools or classes but also, with suitable support, in the regular classes of ordinary schools. The procedures which we have proposed for identifying, assessing and meeting the needs of children who require special educational provision will demand insight on the part of all teachers into the special needs which many children have. They must also be aware of the importance of working closely with parents and with other professionals and non-professionals concerned with helping those children who have special needs. The positive attitudes required of teachers in recognising and securing help for children with special educational needs, and the necessary skills, must be acquired in the course of training." THE Warnock Report 1978
A government report which reviewed the education possibilities for children and young people with special needs. It recommended that such children should attend mainstream education, i.e. an ordinary school setting Education provision for those with additional needs should be extended with young people being encouraged to take up further education.
Assignment Due 8 th Mar Task 4 Produce a detailed analysis on the positive effects of the attitudes & values of society towards service users Task 5 Produce a detailed analysis on the negative effects of the attitudes & values of society towards service users It must be printed off before the lesson. Anyone who is having problems see me before the lesson or it to me
Where to find more information? Health & Social care textbook
Referencing and bibliography Referencing Every time you use a direct quote or piece of research in your report you should reference it. “and they all live happily ever after” Santa Claus 2001 Then at the end of report you must state where you found the information. Santa Claus, 2001, Christmas Tale, North Pole Publishers. Bibliography A list of every book, web-site or article you have read and used to produce your report. Don’t worry about it now, because we will go over it all again at the end. However I need you to make sure you keep a list of sources as you go along.