SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Phil Agricultural Biotechnology: Status and Prospects Sonny P. Tababa Network Administrator SEARCA BIC Presented during the 2 nd Expert Group Meeting, on January 2006, Bangkok, Thailand Presented during the Capability Enhancement Training on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Transgenic Crops,Presented during the Capability Enhancement Training on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Transgenic Crops,
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center An enabling environment for biotechnology: Presented during the Capability Enhancement Training on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Transgenic Crops,Presented during the Capability Enhancement Training on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Transgenic Crops, -policy support and framework -regulatory framework and implementation -human resources -equipment and infrastructure -R&D -socio-economics -technology transfer -public information and education
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Agri-supply chain and environment
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center For commercial propagation: Events: -Corn Mon 810. Bt 11, NK 603, Mon810xNK 603 *Bt corn, RR corn, stacked corn *12 commercial varieties (4 Monsanto, 8 Pioneer Hi-Bred Phils) *70,000 hectares planted,
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Approval for direct use as food and/or feed Import – 19 events Canola ( seed oil)– 1 event Corn – 10 events Cotton (seed oil) – 3 events Potato _ 3 events Soybean _ 1 event Sugarbeet – 1 event Source: Halos, 2003
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Crops Biotech-R&D Papaya-with resistance to PRSV; with delayed ripening; greenhouse trial; awaiting approval for field trial; UPLB-IPB Coconut-increase medium chain fatty acid; laboratory; UPLB-IPB, PCA Mango-with delayed ripening trait; laboratory stage Banana-with resistance to BBTV; laboratory stage; UPLB- IPB Corn-with resistance to ACB; laboratory stage; UPLB-IPB
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Crops Biotech-R&D Rice with vitamin A; incorporated to local rice Screening of transgenic plants containing the Pin2 gene for stemborer resistance Screening of transgenic plants containing the Xa21 gene for bacterial blight resistance Screening of transgenic plants containing chitinase and glucanase genes for sheath blight and blast resistance Screening of transgenic plants containing the Hva1 gene for drought and salinity tolerance -PhilRice
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Crops Biotech-R&D Eggplant with resistance to fruit and shoot borer; UPLB-IPB Sweetpotato with resistance to FMV; UPLB-IPB Tomato with multiple virus resistance; UPLB-IPB Bt cotton; DA-CODA
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Animal Biotechnology R&D -Reproductive biotechniques for buffalo -Superovulation embryo transfer technique for cattle Forestry R&D -Molecular characterization -Tissue culture
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Environment Biotech R&D -Bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated agricultural soils and irrigation water -Recovery of waste coconut water for plant growth -Biodeodorization of swine wastes -Use of microbes to rapidly degrade garbage
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Socio-economics and other studies -Impact assessment studies of Bt corn/RR corn -Insect resistance management -Alternate plant hosts of ACB -Effect of Bt corn on non-target organisms -Cost implications of labeling -Acceptability studies -Public attitudes studies
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center On Investment The Philippines invested around P43M from 1975 to 1991, P40M from , and P125M from in biotechnology (Faylon, 2003). -With external funding from ABSP II, Australian government, PBS, ISAAA
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center On Investment -Establishment of laboratory facilities for research and regulatory work -Capability building of researchers and regulatory staff
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Information and public education Seminars/ workshops with local government units, policy makers, media, academe Biotech media advocacy resource center Biotech information nodes at the local level Biotechnology entrepreneurship Multi-media publications Web-based info dissemination E-group
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Policies Policy statement from PGMA DA Administrative Order #8 and subsequent circulars EO 490 and the NCBP National Biotechnology Week Memorandum of Agreement with League of Municipalities Memorandum of Agreement with Indigenous Peoples
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Prospects Limited field trials for papaya with PRSV resistance More activities to promote entrepreneurship in biotechnology Need increase local investment for biotech R&D especially to support the ongoing projects Sustained support for information needs of stakeholders Promotion of knowledge sharing and exchange
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Prospects for BINASIA -Support to information networking activities -Possible change of focal agency -Conduct of at least 1 national activity with support from BINASIA -Enhance e-club mode of information sharing and exchange
SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center Thank You po!