Author: Dr. Sam Slike Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Date submitted to – February 3, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this PowerPoint, please e- mail: To use this PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, please give credit to the author.
Introduction to Instructional Methods for the Deaf/HH Assessing the skills/abilities of Deaf/HH Students Dr. Slike
Purpose of Testing What is the students current functioning level in basic skill? What are the students specific skill deficiencies? What are the students strengths? What and how shall the student be taught? How well is the student progressing?
4 Levels of Assessment Procedures Screening Students Classifying and Placing Students Educational Programming Measuring Student Progress
Assessments Receptive Language Boehm – concepts Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Test of Syntactic Ability Expressive Language Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test Test of Problem Solving Tests Normed on Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language Test of Expressive Language Ability Carolina Picture Vocabulary Test (CPVT) edu/Products/Sharing- Ideas/CI/resources.html - tools
Statistics Understanding Tests and Measurements for the Parent and Advocate assessment/ ml assessment/ ml
Language Receptive Language Expressive Language Website: _Bowen/devel2.htm _Bowen/devel2.htm
Auditory development Awareness Recognition Comprehension Website: elizabeth/ed-auditory.html elizabeth/ed-auditory.html
Classroom Management Classroom Acoustics Noise Level Seating arrangements Classroom surfaces Teacher to Child Communication Childs Communication/Participation
Types of Assessments Norm-Referenced vs. Criterion Referenced Measures assess/purposes.html assess/purposes.html Curriculum Based Alternative/Performance Based html html Portfolios