Entity Registration Under EPAct 2005 Public Power Council April 6, 2006 Louise McCarren Chief Executive Officer WECC
Entity Registry FERC Order 672 § 39.2(c): Each user, owner and operator of the Bulk-Power System within the United States (other than Alaska and Hawaii) shall register with the Electric Reliability Organization and the Regional Entity for each region within which it uses, owns or operates Bulk-Power System facilities, in such manner as prescribed in the Rules of the Electric Reliability Organization and each applicable Regional Entity.
To Whom Does This Apply? Federal Power Act § 215(b)(1): The Commission shall have jurisdiction, within the United States, over the ERO certified by the Commission under subsection (c), any regional entities, and all users, owners and operators of the bulk-power system, including but not limited to the entities described in section 201(f), for purposes of approving reliability standards established under this section and enforcing compliance with this section. All users, owners and operators of the bulk-power system shall comply with reliability standards that take effect under this section.
To Whom Does This Apply? Applies to a user, owner or operator of the bulk power system Efforts are underway to arrive at a “filter” to apply to registering entities “I want a thorough and comprehensive protection of the bulk-power system, not a thorough and comprehensive list of who [might be on it].” — Rick Sergel
Definitions Bulk Electric System – As defined by the Regional Reliability Organization, the electrical generation resources, transmission lines, interconnections with neighboring systems, and associated equipment, generally operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher. Radial transmission facilities serving only load with one transmission source are generally not included in this definition.
Definitions User of the Bulk Electric System – Any entity that sells, purchases, or transmits electric power directly over the bulk electric system, that maintains facilities or control systems that are part of the bulk electric system, or that is a system operator. The term excludes customers that receive service at retail that do not otherwise sell, purchase, or transmit power over the bulk electric system or own, operate, control, or maintain facilities or systems that are part of the bulk electric system.
Current Registrations Total Entities registered Transmission Operator41 Balancing Authority29 Planning Authority34 Transmission Planner40 Transmission Owner40 Distribution Provider31 Generator Operator48 Purchasing-Selling Entity53 Reserve Sharing Group3 Transmission Service Provider31 Resource Planner35 Generator Owner52 Load Service Entity46 TOTAL ENTITIES REGISTERED85
Function Types Certain Standards Apply to Certain Functions Balancing Authority Distribution Provider Generator Owner Generator Operator Load Serving Entity Planning Authority Purchasing-Selling Entity Reserve Sharing Group Resource Planner Transmission Owner Transmission Operator Transmission Planner Transmission Service Provider
Final Notes Registration will not make an entity a member of WECC or NERC. WECC has not yet registered any entity that has not responded to the initial request. –WECC may begin registering organizations if no response is received. All entities are responsible for compliance with applicable standards whether or not they have registered.
Final Notes WECC is working toward a complete list by: –Sending a follow-up request to those who have not responded to the initial request, and –Implementing an outreach program to other organizations within the WECC footprint that may not have been contacted in the initial request. WECC is committed to making the registration process as sane and painless as possible.