JAM: Junior Appalachian Musicians After school music instruction program Open to students grades 3-8 Students learn traditional music of Appalachia Taught by local traditional musicians
JAM began at Sparta Elementary School in Alleghany County. The NC Arts Council now sponsors JAM in seven Appalachian counties.
JAM programs are tailored to fit the local community. Most programs offer instruction on guitar, fiddle, banjo and mandolin. Some programs teach clogging.
Guest artists often visit JAM programs. JAM students attend local festivals and other music events. All JAM programs perform for family and community.
Students learn: To play by ear To play with others Traditional tunings Traditional repertoires Stories behind the music and songs
Students feel good about the music, and they feel good about themselves.
JAM is a favorite activity of many families. Parents attend practices as well as performances. Music becomes a part of family life.
Traditional music is a dynamic part of many Appalachian communities. JAM programs strengthen such community expression.
TAPS: Traditonal Art Programs for Students JAM provides a model for introducing to students to other important regional arts. TAPS teaches local pottery traditions to students in Randolph County.