sing swim dance Play chess play the guitar
paint He can paint.
chess chinese chess They/He can play chess.
sing swim dance Play chess play the guitar
Join music club
. Music club. Art club. Chess club.English club.Swimming club { swim v. swimming n.
NAMECLUBSI can… LisaMusicsing Survey and report : JOIN CLUBS MODEL: ---Can you…? ---Yes.I can./No,I can’t. ---Do you like to join music/chess/…Club? ---Yes.I do./ No, I don’t.
Let’s sing! Can you dance ? Can you sing? Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? No I can’t. No,I can’t.
HOMEWORK :.. 做一个小报告: 调查你身边的亲人朋友或 者了解一些明星的特长以及兴 趣爱好。用 He/She/They can… 写七,八句话。