1 OD Motor ALT Chamber
2 Outdoor Motors Accelerated Life Test Chamber Moataz Elheddeny / TCS Executive Summary Reliability makes it HARDER to stop a TRANE Business Y: Improving reliability. CTQ: TBD Problem Statement: Outdoor motors are used in tough environments (e.g. high temperature, humidity, sand, rain, etc.). To calculate the OD motors reliability, a life test, that includes all/most of these stresses, must be performed prior to using the motors in our units. Currently, there are no available ALT chambers at Trane to perform these types of tests. Product/Process: TBD Results : A complete design for an Outdoor Motor Accelerated life Test Chamber. Business Impact / Customer Impact: Improve customer satisfaction. Increase sales. Ability to evaluate new suppliers. Optimum warranty periods. Vital X’s Identified: TBD Benefits: Ability to perform life tests on motors. Improve motor reliability. Improve unit reliability Next Steps: Kick off meeting with the team. Continue working on VOC/VOE. Benchmarking.
3 DMADOV DMADOV DesignOptimizeMeasureDefineAnalyzeVerify CTQ QFD / C&E CF’s DFMEA FEA CFD (computational fluid dynamics) Scale Model (build and test) Design Review Define Project Objective SIPOC High Level CTQs Process/ Procedure map Actual test chamber design Design Review MSA Design Review (Design & Procedure) Project Documentation SPC VOC VOE Benchmarking FMVT Brainstorming * (specs from R.B. & Jason’s FMVT) DFSS Roadmap Summary Reliability = Customer Satisfaction Done In Process Plan Run Test Manual Control Plans OD Motor ALT Chamber
4 Problem Statement: Outdoor motors are used in tough environments (e.g. high temperature, humidity, sand, rain, etc.). To calculate the OD motors reliability, a life test, that includes all/most of these stresses, must be performed prior to using the motors in our units. Currently, there are no available ALT chambers at Trane to perform these types of tests. Project Team: Goal Statement: A complete design for an Outdoor Motor Accelerated life Test Chamber. Customers: TCS Reliability Engineering. Product Engineering. Supplier Quality Engineering. Project Scope: Business Case / Business Y: Improving reliability. CTQs: TBD Project Timeline: Start Date End Date 11/13/ /01/2008 Champion: Patrick Sowada Team leader: Moataz Elheddeny Team member: Jason Aguilar Team member: Robert Cassidy Team member: Norhisyam Jenal Team member: Jeremy Muenz DMADOV DMADOV Define Summary Reliability = Trane’s repetition OD Motor ALT Chamber
5 DMADOV DMADOV Define Summary Reliability = Optimum warranty periods OD Motor ALT Chamber IPAK II OD section CTQs: TBD
6 SUPPLIERSINPUTS Complete Design Operating Procedures OUTPUTS TCS Reliability Engineers Supplier Quality Engineering End Customers Product Engineering CUSTOMERS OD Motor ALT Chamber Design Scale ModelFEA / CFDTesting Collect VOC / VOE / Benchmarking / CTQs / DFMEA START OD Motor ALT chamber complete design STOP TCS Reliability Engineers Motor suppliers (e.g. RB) Product Engineering FEA/CFD Scale Model CTQs Brainstorming PROCESS DFMEA Project Documentation
7 DMADOV DMADOV Measure Summary Reliability = Evaluating new suppliers/designs OD Motor ALT Chamber
8 DMADOV DMADOV Analyze Summary Reliability makes it HARDER to stop a TRANE OD Motor ALT Chamber
9 DMADOV DMADOV Design / Optimize Summary Reliability makes it HARDER to stop a TRANE OD Motor ALT Chamber
10 DMADOV DMADOV Verify Summary Reliability makes it HARDER to stop a TRANE OD Motor ALT Chamber