Identifying triggers for stress Discuss coping and relaxation skills Importance of good sleep, exercise and nutrition Depression/Anxiety Developing a list of supports (your “Go to people”) Ways to help our friends who are struggling
A physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension Good Stress- Before a test or competition motivates us to do well. Bad Stress- Warns us that something is off balance or unhealthy.
School work/Academic Performance Sports Family changes- Divorce, Loss, death Friendships Health Lack of fun Feeling Alone Disrespect What are your triggers?
It’s ok, everyone experiences stress ◦ You are not alone! There are safe ways to deal with stress Stress can be good (motivating) When Stress makes you feel bad (stomach aches, extreme worry, not feeling well mentally and/or physically) for a long time (every day for a week, on and off over two weeks)… Ask for help Make sure you have your Who I CAN Go To List ready!
Exercise- run, play sports, yoga, go to the gym Relax ◦ Deep breathing (blue square, triangle breathing, count to 10), ◦ take a nap/ lay on the couch ◦ sit in the sun ◦ watch a happy movie or television show ◦ listen to music ◦ read something fun ◦ Meditate ◦ read an inspirational book/poems/bible Get to bed early (8 hours of sleep) Talk to a friend or adult you trust in order to vent or get advice Do something fun ◦ Paint ◦ Draw ◦ play guitar ◦ visit a friend ◦ play video games/I pad games ◦ prepare a fun meal/snack
Use “fidget toys” Break down your task into pieces ◦ Don’t overwhelm yourself and think you have to get it done all at once Make a plan on paper Interact with a pet/ animal Go for a walk outside Give yourself time to sit quietly and think Think positive thoughts ◦ change muddy thoughts to clear thoughts Ask for help!
Home Mom, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Neighbors, Close Family Friends Community Coaches, Leaders of boy scouts or girl scouts, Dance Teachers, Sunday School Teachers, Second Language School Teachers School Teachers, Principal, LMC, School Secretaries, Nurse, Reading Teachers, Kasper staff, OT, PT, Speech, SW, Psych. Gym Teacher, Art Teacher, Music Teacher, bus driver!
Encourage them to talk about their feelings Be understanding and supportive Remind your friends there are safe ways to deal with their stress Know that there is a limit to what you can do Sometimes your friend needs to talk to an adult or a professional Encourage your friend to talk to an adult if they are feeling unsafe or stressed for more than a few days If you are scared your friend is being unsafe, or is going to be unsafe… tell an adult!!