nVn Multi Robot Team Sumo Rules for IEEE SEM Fall Conference Competition November 4 th, 2010 U of M Dearborn
n = 2 1 match – up to 3 games 1 game - up to 2 minutes 3 High school teams (round-robin) 8 College teams (see next slide) 17:50 ~ 19:05pm - 75 minutes 9 concurrent matches (8 minutes / match) nVn Multi Robot Team Sumo Today
Dynamic environment – Opponents are moving – My friend is also moving Unknown environment – Opponents jersey color is unknown – Lighting condition is unknown – … A problem that requires robot collaboration Why Multi Robot Sumo for Learning?
A robot team loses a game if a robot is out of the table (intentionally or unintentionally) pushed by a friend robot Idea to promote intelligent software robotics DFA (Deadly Friendly Attack) Pink loses the game. Game ends!
DFA (Deadly Friendly Attack) FAQ Green loses the game. Game ends!
DFA (Deadly Friendly Attack) FAQ NOT DFA - Pink loses a robot. Game continues.
College Division Group 1 (4 teams) Round-robin Final Group 2 (4 teams) Round-robin
Teams to compete next must check opponents team jersey color before the match. Note that match orders will be predetermined. (See the handout and meet the team!) If same or too similar, a team that must change the jersey can be decided by a lottery such as coin tossing. What if both teams are wearing same color jersey…
Ring1 – Judge: Chris Cartwright – Assistant Judge: Jonathan Crocker Ring 2 – Judge: Chris Anders – Assistant Judge: Ryan Matthews Score keeper: Noah Crocker Two Sumo Rings Judge has all the discretion in making final decisions
Schedule is tight. We must finish all the competitions by 7:05pm Please read the game schedule handout that shows the order of games for each ring Judge may announce the loss of a match, if a team is not ready to compete, after maximum 2 minutes. Schedule
Win - 3 Tie - 1 Lose - 0 Scores for round robin league
How to record results: An example with 3 teams match 1match 2match 3 team 1team 2 team 3team 1team 3 Game Game Game Total Points team 16 team 28 team 39
1 st : match result 2 nd : score 3 rd : rematch - sudden death Tie breakers
Two initial positions chosen at random by Judge Head to head Side by Side
Size & weight must be checked for each match Each judge has a stop watch No unknown problem at IEEE competition Just press the orange button and go Human player must move back promptly Do *not* come close to the ring, when the robot is on the floor How to start the game