Men of Action Coalition presents “Life After High School Summit” May 9, 2014 “Be a REAL MAN” by Ryan Berryman, MSW
SOCIALIZATION Society’s definition of a “Man”
SOCIALIZATION Three (3) Myths of Masculinity 1.Ball Field: Athletic ability, size, strength, skill set, etc. 2.Bedroom: Sexual conquest. 3.Billfold: Economic success.
Social Mandates for Masculinity Boys don’t cry! Stop the whining! Stop being a sissy! Don’t be a “girly”! Act like a man! Be tough! Fight back! Be a Man!
Boys who are taught to suppress or hold back their feelings will eventually grow up to become “alexithymia”. (“a” = without; “lex” = words; “thymic” = emotions or feelings.) Alexithymia is lacking the ability to put ones emotions and feelings into words. A condition where a person seems to lack emotions. Also the inability to appreciate the emotional motivation of others. May be humorless, unimaginative and have unusual priorities in their decision making.
COVERT DEPRESSION Attempting to seek relief or healing of a “wound” or painful past experience(s). “Masking” the “wound” or pain through ….. Isolation Substance Abuse Violence/Anger
ISOLATION Depression Suicidal thoughts and ideals Self mutilation/self harm Eating disorders (i.e., anorexia, bulimia, etc.) Self Identity issues
Substance Abuse Drug addictions (methamphenimine, marijuana, heroin, ecstasy, prescription drugs, etc.) Alcoholism Inhalers (i.e., spray paint, gasoline, helium, etc.)
Violence Anger Management issues Child abuse Domestic violence Property destruction Criminal activity Gang activity and Violence Homicidal Behavior Example: “Hurt people, hurt people.”
“Be A Man” Socialization Social Mandate Alexithymia Covert Depression Isolation Substance Abuse Violence
Masculinity – Three (3) Requirements 1. Spirituality: Belief and understanding in the “Creator” who designed “true masculinity”. The “Author” of “Love” and “Relationships”. 2. Relationships: The ability to love and to be loved. “Love” is defined as the sacrificial giving of yourself for the betterment of others. 3. Cause: Being Committed to a Cause in order to make the world a better place. Leaving a positive legacy for future generations.
BE a REAL MAN ….. is a journey into “Self Discovery”. 1. Who are you? “Purpose”, Cause for Living” 2. What are you about? “Gifts”, “Talents”, “Character” 3. Where are you going? “Destiny”, “Goals”, “Dreams”
A Real Man is…. “Someone who knows the reality of who he is and who lives in that reality.” “A Real Man is a Man Who’s Real.” Books and References Dalbey, Gordon, ““Healing the Masculine Soul”, published by Thomas Nelson, Eldredge, John, “Wild at Heart, Discovering the Secrets of a Man’s Soul”, published by Thomas Nelson, Erhmann, Joe, “InSide/Out Coaching”, published by Simon and Schuster, Munroe, Myles, “Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men”, published by Whitaker House,