The requirements to be met by meat processing companies are constantly increasing and competition is getting tougher – both nationally and internationally. To manage your company efficiently and economically, you require innovative information technology which can cope with growing market needs – today and in future. IFR Group offers a comprehensive solution for the meat processing industry. IFR Meat is the solution to your accounting software issues. You can use this solution to manage all of your processing, distribution, and accounting needs. IFR MEAT controls meat production elements at the same ERP. You could have the real possibility of controlling: traceability from source to tray; carcase features and its value; animal data entry to the accounting and the management of fixed assets; general accounting; taxation and export/import control… All business volume is managed under one tool. The solution includes: Contracts: control of raw materials contracts. Contract Terms. Withdrawals. Container. Contract application in factories or in third parties. Transport Relation. Load Planning. Pre-settlement of Transport invoices. Reception of Raw Materials: Weighbridge Connexion. Automatic creation of selling delivery-notes from weighbridge. Inter-company: Automatic Creation of delivery notes from selling to purchasing processes and vice versa, among companies. Microsoft Dynamics AX IFR MEAT Meat industry management Microsoft Dynamics AX guarantees an effective service in any business sector and an excellent relationship with customers IFR Meat includes: Contracts Raw Material Inter-company Feed manufacturing Integrations Medicine/drugs Accounting Taxation system Importation Slaughterhouse Feed Animals Traceability Transport Medicine/drugs Prescriptions Guides Serology Exportation Stocks
Manufacturing Feeder Factory: Material list. (Formulation). Creation of material lists, from nutrition files (nutrition program called “Brill” “Format”, and others). Including all the nutrients for the following generation of feed labels. Manufacture Diary. Exporting formulation and material lists into the mixer. Handmade: Creation of previous process and also you could introduce raw materials and ready- made feed. Integrations: Farms, Control production cycles by batches. Trading Account by farm and batch. Settlement of integrations. Control of feed deliveries to farms, according to the nutrition table. Animal Load Preparation for going to slaughterhouse or for making the traceability. Internal transport management. Behind IFR MEAT is always IFR GROUP. We offer our maintenance service and our confidence. We have been programming software by agricultural sector for 20 years. One of our examples is GTEP of IRTA’S Institute, but we have more applications for Integrating Enterprises and Cooperatives. IFR GROUP gives you the deployment, development, our system support and the latest updates What’s more it is built upon Microsoft Dynamics AX, the world's fastest selling ERP, and offers unparalleled performance, flexibility and future payback. IFR MEAT extends the standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX adding the connecting between accounting management and logistics, management of medicine and prescriptions, serology control, economic control and transport management. To sum up IFR MEAT offers products traceability from source to tray and all of them at the same work environment. Microsoft Dynamics AX IFR MEAT Meat industry management Microsoft Dynamics AX guarantees an effective service in any business sector and an excellent relationship with customers