Objectives Presentation of Successes and Challenges to Contract Training at WITCC. Have a discussion concerning the Critical Elements needed for Successful (Sustainable) Contract Training.
Background Data sources come from Iowa Community Colleges LMS, Iowa Workforce Development, and Iowa Department of Education Dissertation of a multiple case study approach to develop a grounded theory to identify the critical elements of successful contract training and why they are critical
Mission Under the … Corporate College Brand, our mission is to partner with our customers by providing consulting and learning services to achieve value-added, client-driven results. WITCC Brand, our mission is to provide lifelong community and continuing learning opportunities that help fulfill personal and professional goals of the customers we serve.
Vision What do we want to be? Vision Statement: To be the preferred provider of organizational development through the delivery of customized consulting and learning services for our partners and to be the preferred provider of community and continuing education by providing customer- driven programming.
What do you not see? TRAINING
Mission Under the … Corporate College Brand, our mission is to partner with our customers by providing consulting and learning services to achieve value-added, client-driven results. WITCC Brand, our mission is to provide lifelong community and continuing learning opportunities that help fulfill personal and professional goals of the customers we serve.
Vision What do we want to be? Vision Statement: To be the preferred provider of organizational development through the delivery of customized consulting and learning services for our partners and to be the preferred provider of community and continuing education by providing customer- driven programming.
Successes Source: Iowa Department of Education’s Annual Condition of Iowa Community Colleges
Successes 364%
Successes 364% Growth
WHY is this happening?
Study Dissertation of a multiple case study approach to develop a grounded theory to identify the critical elements of successful contract training and why they are critical Mix Methodology – QUATITATIVE: LMS & State Data and Surveys (What) – QUALITATIVE: Interviews (How and WHY?)
QUANTITATIVE: Data Revenue Contact Hours Revenue per District Employment Contact Hours per District Employment Revenue per Contact Hour
QUANTITATIVE: Surveys 45 questions based around leadership, organizational structure, and resources WHAT
QUALITATIVE: Interviews 45 questions based around leadership, organizational structure, and resources HOW & WHY
Elements of Success 16 of the 45 elements are rated critical. These elements include consistency in vision; professional drive to succeed; consistency in execution; ability to market programs; external partnerships; focused business-to-business marketing plan; flexible delivery; customized curriculum; executive leadership support and direction; passionate, engaging, and entertaining instructors; formalized strategic and operational plans; knowledgeable instructors; formalized mission and vision statements; culture of innovation; onsite training; and fiscally operating in the black.
Adaptable Engaging Education Sustainability Business/Community Partnerships Successful Contract Learning
Adaptable Engaging Education Successful Learning = Business Success
Adaptable Engaging Education Curriculum customized to achieve institutional goals & complimentary to accredited programming Services delivered in a learner-focused manner Multiple modalities: Face-to-Face, Online, Blended, 3D Virtual, On-site Mobile labs
Adaptable Engaging Education Business Partnerships Successful Learning = Business Success
Business Partnerships Provide long-term solutions – Corporate University Model Assess current workforce skills Identify learning and skills gaps Incorporate learning across the business to achieve corporate vision Consult with area businesses on strategic plans Engage Financial/Managerial Decision Makers
Adaptable Engaging Education Sustainability Structure and Delivery Business Partnerships Successful Learning = Business Success
Sustainability ROI: Adding Value (investment, not an expense) – HVAC Services Company: Reduce time the new hires need to practice alone – Service Company: Ability to pass customer service audits – Manufacturing Companies: The ability to prevent or minimize downtime – Manufacturer: Productivity v sister companies
Sustainable Success Creating 2-5 year learning programs with area businesses Greater depth and breath – Grow the amount of learning within company
Sustainable Success Creating 2-5 year learning programs with area businesses Greater depth and breath – Grow the amount of learning within company – Grow the number of businesses served
Sustainable Success Creating 2-5 year learning programs with area businesses Greater depth and breath – Grow the amount of learning within company – Grow the number of businesses served – Grow the type of learning
Barriers to Success Insufficient executive buy-in Lack of funds Lack of personnel Shrinking market Lack of expertise Lack of technology Increased competition Greater constraints or oversight Customer needs changing too fast Poor or lack of brand image
Insufficient Executive Buy-in Create a business plan that demonstrates sustainability (aka profitable) Demonstrate what happens when we don’t act Take calculated risks
Lack of Personnel
Expanding Coverage – Old Responsibility
Ownership Expanding Coverage – New Responsibility
Lack of Expertise Train
Lack of Expertise Cross-Train
Adaptable Engaging Education Sustainability Business/Community Partnerships Successful Learning