Mrs. Dennis South Media Specialist Mrs. Bakanas North & South Media Specialist Mrs. Martinez North Media Specialist Mrs. Kelley Media Assistant Miss VanArtsdalen South Secretary Mrs. Miller North Secretary
What do the letters “AUP” mean in the following sentence? The student made sure that he followed the AUP each time he used the computer. a. Acceptable Utility Procedures b. Acceptable Upperclassman Policy. c. Acceptable Use Policy. d. Acceptable Underlining Procedure.
Today, you will: 1. Log onto the computer for the lst time. 2. Read the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). 3. Sign the AUP. At the end of this period, you will be able to: Follow steps to create a new password. Log onto the computer by using your user name and your new password. State one thing that you should not do when using the computers according to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
* The AUP states the purposes and rules that you must follow when using the library computers and any computer in the school district * It is printed on The Lenape Regional High School District AUP Card.
The Lenape Regional High School District AUP Card Everyone that uses the District’s network must read and sign the AUP policy agreement before ever using the network and Internet.
Your signature means that you will abide by the rules in the AUP policy.
Note: The Lenape Regional High School District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is also displayed on the computer before you log on.
When you click OK, you are agreeing to abide by the AUP.
Use Social , Chat Rooms or MySpace. Use or Look at Materials that violate the AUP!
Play and/or Download Games Violations of AUP could mean: Loss of computer privileges or disciplinary referral.
USERNAME Your student number is your USERNAME and it will never change – so you need to REMEMBER it for all 4 years you are at Cherokee. PASSWORD Your PASSWORD is PRIVATE and should not be shared with any of your friends!
The first time you log on to the computer network this school year, you will be asked to set up your password account. Your password should be easy for you to remember but hard for someone to guess. It can not include any part of your name. Avoid the obvious such as nicknames or birthdays. The new password must Be six characters long (or longer). Contain at least one capital letter, one lower case letter, and one number.
In the User name space, type: Your Student ID number. In the Password space, type: Student08.
Now, you will be prompted to change your password Don’t fill in again Type in new password and confirm new password
*****Please remember to: log off the computers when you are done! record your password in a safe and private location. AND
End of Presentation -- See you for Freshman Orientation!