Arp Acceptable Use Policy for Junior High School Students Approved by the Board Sept 1998 Updated: August, 2011
AUP Documentation (1)FIRST READ: (2) REVIEW: complete this PowerPoint (3) Take Test & Provide Paperwork: test.htm test.htm
Vocabulary and Basic Explanations
Vandalism Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment or data of the district or any other of the agencies or other networks that we are connected.
Forgery – Federal & State Laws Presenting yourself as another person Using another person’s username or password An attempt to gain access to another person’s electronic mail messages or online resources.
Netiquette Pleasant Using proper communication skills while online Being polite A word in all CAPS is considered shouting No harassing, hate mail, cyber bullying, or racial slurs (illegal)
Intellectual Property Rights All copyright laws will be followed by teachers and students for every assignment or posting. Watch (cute!): Remember: An idea, graphic, composition, or product created by someone -- the ownership of that idea remains with the creator. Use intellectual property only with permission and correct citation All graphics from the Internet MUST be accompanied with a citation.
Noncompliance A failure to follow the AUP, Posting Policies, and/or Internet Safety Policy will result in termination of network use. May result in SAC May result in formal legal charges
The user’s account will be terminated when there is continued inapproprate use after a warning has been issued. Revocation of privileges
You, as a user, have a monetary obligation to reimburse for harm done to technology tools, computers, or to the network. Liability
Public domain Information that can legally be copied and used from the Internet. This information has been shared with everyone and can be used at will. Citation of the information is still required.
Filters – restrict objectionable URL sites due to CIPA* All URLs (Internet sites), , and online communications are filtered by BESS or Barracuda. The district WILL NOT respond to a request from a student to unblocked access to an objectionable site. ONLY faculty members can request that a site be unblocked (either permanently or temporarily) Attempting to go around the filter is a major violation of CIPA & the AUP *Child Internet Protection Act
Filter It is NOT the intention of the district to restrict students from valuable sites. Teachers please plan ahead to contact the system administrator about sites that your students might require for any online project. If you are issued a firewall exemption, each time you use it, the system administrator is sent a message as to the site, the content, and the time spent at that site. Please be aware that online shopping for personal items during school hours is not appropriate use of the network. Shopping may take place before or after school hours. Gambling online is illegal use of the school network.
Logging Program A program that tracks all use. Electronic mail transmissions ( ) and other electronic communications (CHATS), district electronic resources (NETWORK FOLDERS) or online data used by students and employees are not private and may be monitored at any time by designated District staff to ensure appropriate use.
Firewall A security device that restricts access into a network. Firewalls can be configured in many different ways but are primarily used to let a company's computers go out to the Internet without letting people on the Internet come into the company computers.
Internet vs. Intranet Internet documents and information are available to anyone in the world, unless there is a security system. Intranet documents and information are available only to computers within a specific network. Intranets are closed and secure; the Internet is open.
Browser, browsing The program that runs on your computer and lets you navigate the World Wide Web. Safari, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer are the most common browsers. These programs display the files that are on web servers.
The following slides contain information over the things you can and should do and the things that you cannot and should not do.
allowed to utilize the digital or Internet resources of the district without signing the AUP agreement All students will be taught the AUP
All students will be monitored during their use of these technologies by faculty members
A media release form is necessary to publish student work. Personal information about a student can not be published without consent from their parent/guardian.
You may not use another person’s account. You may not pretend to be another person. Do not attempt to read, delete, copy, or modify the electronic mail or data of other system user, Deliberate interference with the ability of other system users to send/receive electronic mail is prohibited.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to monitor network activity in the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to cite all non-original work that is posted on a Website or used in a project or product.
The system may not be used for illegal purposes. This includes downloading viruses, games, or going to websites that are not school related. Do not send messages or access material that would be considered objectionable material.( abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, etc.)
Do not give out personal information about yourself, or anyone else, on the Internet/ . Students cannot use outside resources like Yahoo mail or AOL mail because these are not under the district filtering system.
A password is your personal identification for access to the network. It needs to be changed every six weeks. You should never give it out to anyone. If you suspect someone has your password, it is your responsibility to change it. (Ctrl+Alt+Del)
Games Not Allowed Technology tools are provided by the district for appropriate educational objectives (i.e. games such as Solitaire, will not be played during school hours). Students utilizing technology for unauthorized purposes will be restricted from or lose privileges to district technologies.
Chats, ITV, Skype, Messaging Participating in chat rooms and other synchronous communication on the Internet is only permissible for students under the appropriate supervision of a sponsoring teacher. The sponsoring teacher must gain written permission for such activities from the technology director.
SPAMMING “Spamming” is illegal. It involves sending to more than just a FEW acquaintances. Research the new “spam” laws. They deal with unsolicited . “Spamming” is sending out to folks who do not request it. You spam the network when you send to more than one or two of your associates.
Spamming Do not send to large groups like HS Faculty, unless it is for educational purposes DO NOT FORWARD “CHAIN MAIL” MESSAGES TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS! DO NOT download large files like movies, or music. DO NOT participate in illegal file sharing (MP3)
NETWORK Netiquette System users are expected to observe the following network etiquette: 1. Be polite; messages typed in capital letters on the computer are equivalent to shouting and are considered rude. 2. Use appropriate language; swearing, vulgarity, lewdness, ethnic or racial slurs, and any other inflammatory language are prohibited.
3. Pretending to be someone else when sending/receiving messages is inappropriate. 4. Transmitting or creating obscene messages or pictures is prohibited. 5. Using the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users is prohibited. NETWORK Netiquette
Posting Policies All students MUST read and adhere to the Arp ISD Posting Policies
BYOT Policy tm READ! tm All BYOT must be examined & receive a TAG from the Technology Department