Derek Byerlee (Georgetown U) Will Masters (Tufts U) Daniel Robinson (Tufts U) 25 th March,
Transformative role of investment in land development (LD) overlooked in recent debates Large investments per ha that greatly increase the productivity and value of land (e.g., irrigation) Often significant economies of scale in development phase But not usually economies of scale in farm operation phase LD often subsidized/managed by the state but lack of resources and capacity Historically successful private sector examples Invested in land development but operated by family farms 2
1. Medium to large-scale irrigation Economies of scale in building infrastructure 2. Some types of frontier expansion Land clearing, soil amendments, pioneering experimentation, transactions cost for land acquisition, environmental compliance 3. Some types of plantations Bulky products with quick processing require investments in roads and a mill All with high upfront capital costs 3
4 Investor (few crops) Investor (few crops) Land Development Phase (Economies of scale) Farm Operation Phase (Few economies of scale ) Family farms Hybrids (Nucleus- outgrower Global capital and knowledge
Late 19 th century development of irrigation in US, Australia, Thailand Private land & water development Concessions often stipulated max size family farm operations Investor profits based on land sales 6 Development of Renmark Irrigation Scheme, Australia,1890s
Brazil, Peru, Australia High investment costs—often > $10,000/ha Less focus now on family farms However, Chinese investment in Oz negotiated with indigenous groups ($50 M) Africa Sugarcane with outgrowers Rice but most large-scale operations PPPs with smallholders (Zambia) 7
Land development and settlement North Parana Land Co (1.25 Mha) Colonization companies for the Cerrado in 1970s & 80s 9 AMP Land Development, Sth Aust, K ha of infertile soils Investment in soil amendments, land clearing and improved pastures Objective to create family farms 6% return to company
BRAZILSAVANNAH AREAS, AFRICA Large land development companies in Brazil BrasilAgro SLC LandCo Capital and knowledge for LD $2,000-4,000/ha for LD Purely market based and results in more unequal land ownership Infrastructural corridors searching for a model for private investment in land development Inclusive of in situ smallholders? Potential for in-migrant settlement of smallholders in low density areas 10
Private land development often more successful than state schemes Clear economies of scale in LD Many have been transformative—vibrant family farm agriculture But significant risks to investors and farmers Creates an immobile asset Regulatory role of the state critical to create family farm agrarian structure But often high costs to indigenous groups 11
Recognize that much land unproductive without significant investment Won’t happen without private K Recognize economies of scale for LD but not for farm operation Design contracts and business models to focus on investment in LD & turn over to smallholders Balance deals with in situ smallholders with potential for in-migrant smallholders 12
Increase in land productivity from land development High Low Products suitable for family farm operation (most) Land development Investor Family farms Farm operations Family farm in situ & settlers Nucleus-outgrower Family farms Products suitable for large farm operation (e.g., s/cane, oil palm) Land development Investor Not applicable Farm operations Investor Nucleus-outgrower, contract Extensive cattle operations 14