May 2011 Offers of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) to the further development of Russia- Canada international cooperation First Deputy Chair of Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Gennady Alexeev
DIAMONDS – 26% TIN – 5% ANTIMONY – 4,5% URANIUM – 3,4% IRON ORES – 2% FORESTS – 47% of its area, 2,5% of world stocks COAL- 47% OIL, GAS - 35% 1/5 of Russia’s total resources YAKUTIA’S SHARE IN WORLD MINERAL STOCKS: YAKUTIA’S SHARE IN POWER RESOURCES’ STOCKS OF EAST SIBERIA AND THE FAR EAST HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL POPULATION – 958,3 thousand people GRP PER CAPITA– RUR 312 thousand MINERAL RESOURCES BASE – RUR 78,4 trillion (USD 2,5 trillion) 2 Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Cooperation projects Implementation of the program of distribution of Canadian wood bison population Muskox reacclimatization in the Arctic and the North Mastering the technology of cold mix asphalt in constructing roads in the extreme climatic conditions of the Arctic and the North Development of innovative BAA and cosmetics production from reindeer velvet antlers using new biotechnologies Development of medical service and healthcare for the indigenous people of the North with participation of Canadian experts of Ontario Telemedicine Network in the program of development of telemedicine service for the indigenous population in the remote areas of the Arctic and the North
In Yakutia, the Canadian wood bison (30 animals) imported 5 April 2006 from «Elk Island Nature Park». Leading Canadian wood bison experts Norm Cool and Hal Reynolds visited Ust-Buotama nursery in 2008 and noted the high level of works and excellent physical condition of the bison Implementation of the program of distribution of Canadian wood bison population
Ust-Buotama and Tympynai nurseries with a network of enclosures and necessary infrastructure were constructed to keep the animals. The first yield came in 2008 (6 calves), total 21 calves were born as of Implementation of the program of distribution of Canadian wood bison population
Subsequent transfer of bison from Canada is needed to increase the genetic diversity in the existing herds and for rapid growth of their number Implementation of the program of distribution of Canadian wood bison population
Muskox reacclimatization in the Arctic and the North Works on muskox reacclimatization in Yakutia were launched in Their present number is about 1000 individuals.
Restoration of muskox historical range and number is of great socioeconomic significance for the indigenous people of the Arctic Muskox reacclimatization in the Arctic and the North
«Cold mix asphalt»
National Joint-Stock Reindeer Herding Company “Taba” ZAO Production of biologically active additives and preparations using reindeer herding products
Products of “Taba” ZAO
676 populated places 50% - under-populated 44% - of hard access 676 populated places 50% - under-populated 44% - of hard access Over 40% of the republic’s area is beyond the Arctic Circle, where 7% of the population inhabit Over 40% of the republic’s area is beyond the Arctic Circle, where 7% of the population inhabit Yakutia Uluses with the population under 10 thousand people - 12 Uluses with the population under 10 thousand people - 12 TELEMEDICINETELEMEDICINE Area – 3103,2 thousand km² Population - 949,4 thousand people Population density - 0,31 person per km² Area – 3103,2 thousand km² Population - 949,4 thousand people Population density - 0,31 person per km² Uluses with the population under 10 thousand people Uluses with the population over 10 thousand people Central ulus (regional) hospital (total 34 CRH) Distance (km) from the ulus center to Yakutsk Motorways Motorways in poor condition Winter snow road
Telemedicine in healthcare system management - telemedicine sites ( , ) - Wide range of population getting consultative and diagnostic medical aid - Elimination of expensive ways of healthcare functioning - Planning and efficient management of diagnostic and treatment process - Reduction and stabilization of patients’ and funds’ flows (standardization) - Preservation of working population and budget funds - Wide range of population getting consultative and diagnostic medical aid - Elimination of expensive ways of healthcare functioning - Planning and efficient management of diagnostic and treatment process - Reduction and stabilization of patients’ and funds’ flows (standardization) - Preservation of working population and budget funds
Issues to discussed on the development of Russia-Canada cooperation in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Exchange of experiences in environment and Arctic flora and fauna protection. Enhancement of cooperation in mastering the efficient technologies of motorway construction and repair in the extreme climatic conditions of the North. Further development of cooperation with North Ontario Telemedicine Network on the program of development of telemedicine service of the indigenous population in the remote regions of the Arctic and the North: information exchange, drawing up a plan of transferring modern Canadian telemedicine equipment and technologies, translation of materials and programs into Russian, joint fundraising for the project, exchange of the project experts, implementation of distant training and organizational arrangements.
Issues to discussed on the development of Russia-Canada cooperation in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Delivery of new parties (of 30 animals) of muskox and wood bison from Canada to increase the genetic diversity of the species’ Russian populations. Attracting Canadian investors to the development of production of biologically active additives (BAA) and cosmetics from reindeer velvet antlers using new biotechnologies : construction of a perfume and cosmetics production facility, engineering infrastructure and purchase of technological equipment.
16 Contacts: , Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kirova 11 Tel. (4112) , ; (495) Web: Thank you for your attention!