Civic Engagement in Arizona’s Communities: Lessons from the Gallup Arizona Poll Arizona League of Cities and Towns August 31,
Consensus: Arizonans agree on more than they disagree. With moderate differences, consensus crossed regions: Urban Corridor Small Cities Rural Areas And demographics: Gender Age Education Income Ethnicity 3
HIGH ATTACHMENT TO PLACE/ LOW SENSE OF CONNECTION TO ONE ANOTHER 36% rate their passion and loyalty to place a “5”. Only 12% of Arizonans strongly believe the people in their community care about one another. HIGH CONSENSUS ON ISSUES/ DISSATISFACTION WITH ELECTED LEADERS Only 10% of Arizonans believe their elected officials were doing a good job. (2009) Only 10% believe their elected leaders represent their interests. 4 Overview: Two Disconnects
A Citizens’ Agenda for Arizona’s Second Century CARING FOR THE ECONOMY 1. Create quality jobs for all Arizonans. 2. Prepare Arizonans of all ages for the 21 st century workforce. CARING FOR PEOPLE 3. Make Arizona “the place to be” for talented young people. 4. Provide health insurance for all, with payment assistance for those who need it. CARING FOR COMMUNITIES 5. Protect Arizona’s natural environment, water supplies and open spaces. 6. Build a modern, effective transportation system and infrastructure. 7. Empower citizens and increase civic involvement. 8. Foster citizen well-being and sense of connection to one another. 5
Goal 7 Scorecard: Empower citizens and increase civic involvement. KEY INDICATORS: 1.Vote Voter registration, Voter turnout 2.Express Political Views Participate in non-voting political activities: ─ Contact an elected official. ─ Attend public meetings. ─ Buy or boycott products. ─ Take part in political demonstrations. ─ Give time or money to candidate, party. 3.Stay Informed 4.Discuss Politics Frequently 7
Goal 8 Scorecard: Foster citizen well-being and sense of connection to one another. KEY INDICATORS: 1.Connecting with Family, Friends and Neighbors Eat dinner with family/household almost daily. Take with family and friends via , Internet Exchange favors with neighbors weekly. 2.Participating in Groups and Organizations Belong to one or more groups that meet monthly. Serve as officer or committee member. 3.Community Service Volunteered within last 12 months. Attended meeting about community issue. Worked with neighbors to fix something. 3.Giving to Charity Made contribution of $25 or more. 8
Citizen Engagement: How Engaged are Arizonans? VOTE Arizona ranks 40 th in the nation for voter registration with 68.9% of eligible citizens. Arizona ranks 43 rd for voter turnout with 59.8% of eligible citizens. FOLLOW THE NEWS AND STAY INFORMED 37% of Arizonans say they do not follow the news or discuss the news regularly. 9 Copyright © 2009 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
NATIONAL RANKINGS: What would it take to move Arizona into the Top 10? Goal 7: Key Indicators ArizonaCurrent Rank Voter Registration 68.9%40 th Voter Turnout59.8%43 rd Voter Turnout (18 – 29-year olds)47.0%39 th Discuss Politics Frequently39.1%32 nd Non-voting Political Activism24.8%36 th Top 10 Goal + 7.4% + 8.6% % + 4.2% %
NATIONAL RANKINGS: What would it take to move Arizona into the Top 10? Goal 8: Key Indicators ArizonaCurrent Rank Eat dinner with family almost daily.86.9%45 th Exchange favors with neighbors 13.5%48 th Belong to one or more groups34.3%33 rd Volunteered within last year24.8%36 th Attended community meeting8.9%41 st Made contribution of $25 or more48.2%38 th Top 10 Goal + 4.3% + 5.7% + 7.8% + 8.4% + 7.3% +12.0%
Arizona Civic Health Index NationalArizonaGreater PhoenixTucson Voter Registration71.0%68.9%68.0%76.3% Voter Turnout63.6%59.8%60.4%64.5% Discuss Politics Frequently39.3%39.1%39.4%44.3% Participate in non-voting political activities26.3%24.8%19.2%25.9% 12 Engagement In the Urban Areas
Arizona Civic Health Index NationalArizonaGreater PhoenixTucson Eat dinner with family almost every day89.1%86.9%84.5%95.1% Talk with family/friends via Internet frequently53.6%51.8%52.1%48.2% Talk with neighbors a few X/week or more45.8%39.9%38.4%41.3% Exchange favors with neighbors a few X/week16.0%13.5%12.6%18.8% Attended a group meeting21.5%21.0%18.8%25.0% Belong to group that meets regularly35.1%34.3%31.9%37.6% Serve as officer or committee member10.1%10.5%8.4%13.4% 13 Connectedness in the Urban Areas
14 The Arizona We Want: Civic Renewal Civic Health Scorecard KEY INDICATORS Goal 7: Actions that Influence Government 1.Vote -Registration, Turnout 2.Express Political Views -Contact public official -Attend public meeting -Buy or boycott products -Take part in march, demonstration -Give time or money to candidate, party 3.Stay informed -Read newspaper -Read newsmagazine -Watch news (TV, internet) -Listen to news on radio -Get news from blogs, chat rooms 4.Discuss Politics Frequently Goal 8: Actions that Build Community 1.Connect with Family, Friends and Neighbors -Eat dinner with family almost daily -Talk with family and friends via -Talk with neighbors frequently -Exchange favors with neighbors 2.Participate in Groups and Organizations -Serve as officer or committee member -Work with neighbors to fix problem 3. Volunteering and Giving to Charity Strategy 1: Community-based Solutions Strategy 2: Employer-based Citizenship Strategy 3: Civic Leadership Strategy 4: Civic Education Objective: The Center will create and manage a statewide RFP process that encourages citizens and leaders to jointly identify one or more strategies developed in the TAWW process, (education, job creation, environment), set measurable goals, and implement a plan that achieves a successful result. Achieving the goal will require activities that increase civic engagement (see indicators). Objective: The Center will work individually with 3-5 large Arizona employers to demonstrate how companies can make active citizenship an important and measurable part of their culture. Objective: The Center will identify a statewide partner and actively support their efforts to recruit, train and support effective leaders who are committed to seeking elective office in Arizona at all levels of government Objective: The Center will identify a statewide partner and actively support their efforts to reinstate civic education into the public policies, culture and civic traditions of Arizona.