CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Non-Public Assistance Funds Briefing to NPP Board 13 April 2011 S. Gauthier DGPFSS / SOT Funds and Outreach
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES NPP Assistance Funds NPP Funds (principally by donation): –Military Families Fund (MFF) –Soldier On Fund –Hospital Comforts Fund –Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund (CFPAF)
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Non-Public Property The mandate of Non-Public Property is prescribed in sections 38 and 39 of the NDA: –NPP is vested in the CDS and other specified officers –to be used for the benefit of members (current and former) & their families
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Military Families Fund Established in 2007 Assists military families faced with unforeseen and immediate needs that are attributed to conditions of service MFF Executive Committee advisory to CDS Relies on engagement by/support from the Chain of Command Agile and responsive to need
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Soldier On Fund Supports the Soldier On Program in improving the quality of life of injured/ill CF personnel through fitness, recreation and sport Soldier On Fund used to satisfy needs beyond the scope/mandate of Public Funding
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Hospital Comforts Fund Ensures hospitalized CF members have access to toiletries, reading materiel and other basic comforts, including telephone and internet Applies equally to injuries, accidents, surgeries, as well as addiction and mental health treatments Since 2006, benefit has been extended to more than 1,000 members
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund Provides financial assistance to serving and former members when warranted by distress or other qualifying circumstances –Self Improvement Loans up to $5,000 –Distress Grants up to $5,000 –Distress loans up to $25,000 –Education loans up to $4,000 per year to a maximum of $16,000 per student
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES NPF Funds Summary Military Families Fund $3.4M $305 K (YTD - 438K) 525 Soldier On Fund $720K $37 K (YTD – 103K) 102 Hospital Comforts Fund $0K $150K 1094 CFPAF $16.3M $12.5M (loans) $212K (grants) 15,031(loans) 591 (grants) FundBalance Avg Annual Disbursement Applications Approved Since 2007
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Outreach Working with the following external stakeholders to identify program/funding gaps and overlaps: True Patriot Love Foundation, Canada Company, Royal Canadian Legion, Camp Maple Leaf, Wounded Warrior, Military Casualty Support Foundation, Canadian Hero Fund Moving forward, efforts will be cooperative, integrated and harmonized
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES NPP/Public Components - Relative Size Total $675M (18.7% Public / 81.3 % Non-Public) SISIP FS ($274M) Retail (CANEX) ($55M) Messes ($22M) Base / Wing Funds ($63M) Public Responsibilities to NPP / ASD C109 ($73M) Central Fund Investments ($119M) Assistance Fund CFPAF ($16M) DCSM ($28M) Size and Scope of NPP MFRC CORE C108 ($25M)
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Military Families Fund cont’d MFF / SOT overhead includes costs associated with telephone line, postage, honorariums, Interac fees, BMO Prepaid card Admin fees and some supplies. Average Overhead: $1.5K (avg FY 07/08-09/10): 1.3% Comparison: United Way overhead expenses 2009: 16% Camp Oochigeas 2009 (low std): 7% Not included above – about half of the honoraria are returned to the funds as donations Staff salaries are publicly reimbursed and not paid by the Fund
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Military Families Fund cont’d MFF Executive Committee CDS appointed to advise CDS on fundraising and new areas where the fund can be utilized meets twice a year Members represent the MFF at speaking engagements and donation presentations throughout the year. Chair: DGPFSS Members (7): LGen (retired) Bill Leach, RAdm (retired) Bryn Weadon, Dave Ready, Dave Smith, Max Keeping, Maureen Eykelenboom, Tammy Kleinschmidt
CANADIAN FORCES NON-PUBLIC PROPERTY BIENS NON PUBLICS DES FORCES CANADIENNES Soldier On Components Support to Serving and Retired CF Pers and Families (NPF $) Support to CF Pers (Public $) NETWORK (CF/DND, Service providers and Canadian Public) Awareness Sport-Fit Camps (local) Promotion Sport-Fit Camps (national) Ill/Injured PROGRAM C109 Reimbursement Public SO FUND NPF