SharePoint 2010 & UNTHSC Policies September, 2013
Agenda 2011 Policy Template Policy Website SharePoint Tips and Demonstration
New 2011 Template The new template is easier to use and can be found by going to the policy website, clicking on “Policies Process” and downloading the “New 2011 Policy Template”
Template Tips The new template does not have tables within Word but still requires the Responsible Party to be listed under Procedures and Responsibilities (tab location should be 1 ½) All font in the template must be Calibri 12
Template Tips Please do not bold text that is not already bold in the template or create extra tabs within the sections OSM will assign policy number and approved, revised and effective dates
Policy Website The policy website is an internet site that is updated nightly to reflect changes made in SharePoint The policy website is designed to allow anyone to search for and view current Health Science Center policies The website is external and can be viewed by anyone on the internet
Policy Website The policy website is updated nightly to reflect changes in SharePoint The status of a policy in SharePoint must be changed from “Active” to “Under Review” when making changes to a policy that are not final. Otherwise, the changes will appear as final on the internet and create potential risk to the Health Science Center.
SharePoint 2010 The SharePoint site is the central repository for all UNTHSC policies All changes to a policy and all approvals must be tracked through SharePoint
SharePoint Tips Log in using “unthsc\EUID” and your network password Always check-out a policy before making changes Turn on the “Track Changes” function located under the Review tab in Microsoft Word when making changes
SharePoint Tips Always change the document status to “Under Review” when making changes that are not final When policy is ready for legal approval, go into “Workflows” and start the “Policy Legal Review” process When submitting a policy for legal review, include your contact information in the comments section
Resources Contacts: Sara Murphy, x0460, Office of Strategy and Measurement Main Line, x2612 ITS Helpdesk, x2192
SharePoint 2010 Demo