Parents Against Technology Group Two Presentation By: Andrea Brady, Susan Bylsma, Kate Heydlauff, Jessica Mclean, Theresa Thompson, and Jennifer Ivanoff Picture from:
Technology Affecting Social Skills: The Negative Impacts By: Kate Heydlauff
Technology: Harmful to Social Skills Skilled with online games, great with text messaging, and always available with online chat rooms… but can our children hold a face-to-face conversation?
How is it harmful? Creating a social hierarchy Harming family communication Impeding basic social skills Inhibiting social isolation
Creates a Social Hierarchy A social gap between “technology rich” vs. “technology poor” Not having the “right” technology Teasing Stress or Anxiety Increases a technology barrier in our culture Surveyed a group of girls about their mobile phones and having the “wrong one” could greatly affect their social status. Weare, Katherine. What impact is information technology having on our young people’s health and well being? Health Education, Volume 104, Number 3. 2004. Picture from:
Harms Family Communication Children: Internet, video games, texting, and MP3s Parents: cell phones, Blackberry's and e-mail Families have less communication and more technology time Teenagers: 60% - 20 hrs. 30% - 40 hrs. 7% - 50+hrs. Picture from:
Impedes Basic Social Skills Less basic conversation among adolescents Wedge between generations Many young adults are unable to interact with others in a social setting Article: “Social Skills Impeded by Technology”
Inhibits Social Isolation Less verbal communication with family and friends Seeking friends and relationships online Picture from: Weak Interpersonal Relationships
Works Cited Affonso, Bob. "Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children?." Sierra Source. 01 December 1999. Retrieved: 28 May 2009. Gamm, Jen. "Is Computer Technology Harming Our Children's Social Skills?." Ezine Articles. 22 March 2008. Retrieved: 28 May 2009. Durano, Christina. "Social skills impeded by technology." Daily Skiff. 01 November 2007. Retrieved: 28 May 2009. O'Loughlin, Jennifer, Marie Lambert M.D., Lise Gauvin Ph.D, Yan Kestens Ph.D, and Mark Daniel, Ph.D. "Many Teens Spend 30 Hours A Week On 'Screen Time' During High School." ScienceDaily. 14 March 2008. Retrieved: 7 Jun 2009. <>. Siemion, Sophie. "New technology hinders social skills, intellectual conversations for America's young people." College Media Network. 23 May 2007. Retrieved: 28 May 2009. Weare, Katherine. "What impact is information technology having on our young people's health and well-being?." Health Education 104, 3, 129-131. 2004. Retrieved: 20 May 2009.