Welcome to Zonta International Mission A global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy
Zonta Vision women’s rights are recognized as human rights every woman is able to achieve her full potential. every woman is literate and has access to education, health care, legal and economic resources on an equal basis with men no woman lives in fear of violence.
We’ve been expecting you... Rotary International launched in 1905; women had to wait 74 years to join Kiwanis International began in 1915; women had to wait 72 years to join Zonta International premiered in 1919; our wait was over; our work just beginning
Zonta Membership Global Reach More than 1,200 Clubs 65 countries and geographic areas over 31,000 members Europe and Africa: 45% Americas: 32% Asia: 13% Australia and New Zealand: 10%
Why Zonta? Because college still costs money; Zontians support scholarship initiatives throughout the world Because slavery is wrong; Zontians work to end human trafficking Because your job may not help to develop you as a leader; But membership in Zonta will Because you may move; Zonta clubs are in 67 countries Because someone, somewhere, somehow helped you: in your life, education, career; Now is your time to help someone else by joining our legacy of service and advocacy
By Joining Zonta... you can become a part of a strong, active community working to advance the status of women and girls throughout the world. We are dedicated, we are determined, and we are making a difference. Together we will continue to make the world a better place for women and girls.
Zonta International Programs Amelia Earhart Fellowships Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships Young Women in Public Affairs Awards International Service Program Zonta International Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Women (ZISVAW)
Zonta International Service Program Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in Rwanda $500,000 to UNICEF Safe Cities for Women in Guatemala City, Guatemala & San Salvador, El Salvador $500,000 to UNIFEM Reduction of Obstetric Fistula in Liberia $500,000 to UNFPA
ZISVAW (Zonta International Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Women) End burns violence against women in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda -- $430,000 UNIFEM Security & Empowerment for Women & their Families: Ensuring a Gender Responsive Humanitarian and Early Recovery Response in Haiti -- $200,000 UNIFEM
Advocacy Urging the US Senate to ratify the 30 year old Convention to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) A 1979 comprehensive international treaty to eliminate discrimination and abuse of women Signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, but the USA is the only industrialized nation that has not ratified the treaty.
Zonta and You
2010 Zonta International Convention San Antonio, Texas An opportunity to network with more than 1600 members from 66 countries conducting the business of a great organization
Zonta and You: Web site Member Resources Web site – Information about current ZI Programs funded by ZIF, scholarship and award recipients such as Amelia Earhart Fellows Zonta Action – success stories of Zonta service and advocacy shared by Zonta Clubs around the world Frequently asked Questions/Contact Us District - Club Web site -
Zonta and You: Additional Resources District and Club Newsletters The Zontian magazine Zonta leadership (District Governors, Lieutenant Governors, Area Directors, Club Presidents) Foundation Ambassadors
Organization of Zonta Zonta administration helps support over 1,200 clubs throughout the world The organization is divided into Districts, Areas and Clubs Zonta International District 15 Area 1-4 Local Club You!
Zonta International District XV Michigan & part of Ontario Governor & District Board 4 Areas/Area Directors 44 Clubs/President 1005 Members
Zonta Districts District Conference Conduct the business of the district Elect District Board Promote ZI objects & programs Area Workshops Membership enhancement through training & planning Promote ZI objects & programs
Area Workshops – District XV One day workshops in each of the 4 areas each spring Conducted by Area Directors Informative speakers on issues promoting the objects of Zonta Networking and fellowship among members of various clubs
The impact of Zontians Zontians support various global initiatives identified by Zonta International Zonta Clubs identify local service projects for their membership and community Zontians Global Local
What does Zonta have to offer that is different from other service organizations? Zonta is the only International service organization focused on advancing the political, economic, social and educational status of women worldwide. Zontians work throughout the world to address the needs of women at all socio/economic levels. These needs include basic health, education, welfare and human rights. Zonta enhances women’s skills to advance in business and the professions and enriches their personal lives.
Added benefits include Opportunities for leadership development Connecting with a network of terrific women from throughout the world Fellowship and FUN!
THE ZONTA CLUB OF (insert club name) Chartered (insert year)
Zonta Club of (insert name) Providing service to the (insert name of community) for (insert # of years) (Highlight key service projects)
Zonta Club of (insert club name): Fundraising Highlight events
Zonta Club of (insert club name): Local Advocacy Click to add details of your club’s advocacy goals and/or achievements here.
Zonta Club of (insert name) Foundation Established (insert year) (insert community) 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation Registered under the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act (or appropriate citation for Canadian clubs)
Zonta Club of (insert name) Foundation Purpose (insert information from bylaws)
Zonta Club of (insert name) Foundation Fundraising Events Other Sources of Donations
Zonta Club of (insert name) Foundation Contributions and Grants
Web site Resources Zonta International: Zonta District XV: Zonta Club of xxxx: