Engaging partners in the Sumatra KBA process Under the “Defining, refining, and monitoring conservation Outcomes for Sumatra”, partners have played a major role; Partners have been participated at many different stages of this project depending on the objectives: Data sharing and validation; General project communication; Increasing buy in (ownership of the KBA) Fundraising
Conservation Action and Management Plan for Threatened Species in Sumatra Workshop (2003) Objectives: Compiling biodiversity information for Sumatra General project communication; Increasing buy-in Data sharing and validation Partners involved: -WWF, WCS, BirdLife, FFI, ZSL -Local NGOs -LIPI (Indonesia Institute of science)- Digitized Biodiversity collection -Department of forestry at several different layers -Local governments
Sumatra Key Biodiversity Areas Workshops (2006) Objectives: Compiling biodiversity information for Sumatra General project communication Increasing buy-in Data sharing, validation and reviewing the preliminary KBA
Donors (Partners) During the KBA process various donors had been approached to use KBA as part of layers in the decision of fund disbursement KBA facilitation in Sumatra was carried out by A team consists of CI, WWF, WCS, Min. of Forestry (Flying team) GEF FOCAL POINT DFID USAID GEF UNDP ESP CANADIAN FUND INITIATIVE (CIDA) BP AUSAID FORD FOUNDATION YAYASAN KEHATI WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT EXXON - MOBIL OIL INDONESIA INC. CHEVRON PACIFIC INDONESIA NEW ZEALAND EMBASSY EUROPEAN UNION