1 Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34) Jan Linders GESAMP39, New York (USA) April 17, 2012 Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
2 BWMConvention International Convention, intended for global protection of ecosystems from bio-invasion Aim is to control and manage all kinds of organisms in the ship’s ballast water Procedure G9 deals with the discharge of BW containing residues of active substances, disinfection byproducts and dead biota Quote from Article 2, point 5 of the Convention: Parties undertake to encourage the continued development of Ballast Water Management and standards to prevent, minimize and ultimately eliminate the transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens through the control and management of ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments Safeguarding crew, ship and environment Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
3 GESAMP-BWWG (WG34) Technical Group, advisory body to MEPC GESAMP-BWWG (WG34) evaluates the systems for risks to humans, crew, ship and environment and reports the recommendations to MEPC (21 sessions, >60 BWMS) MEPC decides on Basic or Final Approval based on the report of GESAMP-BWWG GESAMP-BWWG evaluates the additional testing with whole effluent before FA GESAMP-BWWG develops evaluation and risk assessment methodology, to be approved by MEPC (4 STWs) Current guidance: no unacceptable (eco)toxicological effects at discharge of BW (recently endorsed by MEPC) Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
4 Approval Process Active Substance Basic Approval Land based type approval Whole effluent test Shipboard type approval Final approval Final Product YesNo Guideline G8 Procedure G9 Applicant/ Administration GESAMP/ MEPC Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
5 Overview of systems Processes and chemicals in BWMSNumber of systems Filtration19 Hypochlorite16 Ozone2 Peracetic acid / hydrogen peroxide1 + 1 Isocyanurate1 Chlorine dioxide1 Active carbon adsorption1 Catalysis1 Ultrasonic treatment1 Sodium thiosulphate8 Sodium bisulphite7 Non-neutralization7 Storage20 Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
6 Risk Assessment Data evaluation Data set Exposure estimation Emission rates Environmental distribution Exposure levels, con- centrations, intakes Hazard identification Dose-response assessment Toxicity data single species Extrapolation No-effect levels Riskcharacterisation PEC/PNEC, MOS Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
7 Substances in data base 1Sodium bromate10Dibromoacetic acid 2Potassium bromate11Tribromoacetic acid 3Bromoform12Monochloroacetic acid 4Chloroform13Dichloroacetic acid 5Dibromochloromethane14Trichloroacetic acid 6Dichlorobromomethane15Bromochloroacetic acid 7Sodium hypochlorite16Monochloroamine 8Sodium thiosulphate17Trichloropropane 9Monobromoacetic acid18Dibromoacetonitrile Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012
8 Risk Assessment Hazards PBT and CMR Exposure calculation (PEC using MAMPEC- BW) Effects assessments (using extrapolation to ecosystem and humans) Determination of PEC/PNEC and DN(M)EL Overview of Activities of GESAMP-BWWG (WG34)| April 17, 2012