Welcome to participating in an Online Discussion The goal of this lesson is to share with you techniques for participating in an online discussion. You will learn how to: - Participate in a discussion - Manage time - Reply to questions - Use quick tips
This lesson will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You need basic knowledge in: Word processing Computer use How to log into Desire2Learn
This lesson is designed to be interactive. From the main menu, simply click on the subject you would like to learn more about. Each section has two questions called Check Ups, take a moment and check your knowledge from each section. When you wish to return to the main menu, simply click on the words “Go to the Main Menu” in the lower left hand corner of each screen. You can return to any of the sections as many times as you need. But before we begin… (Go to the Main Menu)
What is a posting? A posting is a typed message or reply you make to a question or comment someone else makes. (Go to the Main Menu)
Instructions: How to post a message in D2L 1.Open D2L. 2.Select the discussion button on the top menu. 3.Select a discussion forum by clicking on it to open the appropriate forum. 4.Select your discussion group by clicking on the name. 5.Click on a message and read the contents. 6.To answer the question or add a comment to that message click on “Reply.” (Go to the Main Menu)
7.A text box will appear for you to type your response in. 8.When you are done typing hit “Submit” to send your message. 9.If you want to edit what you have written, click on your message. A button will appear that says “Edit.” Click on it and you will be able to go in and make changes. Submit your message when done. 10.If you want to delete what you have written, click on your message. A button will appear that says “Delete,” if you click delete the message will be removed. Tip: you can delete your posting unless someone has replied to it. (Go to the Main Menu)
How to participate in an online discussion Main Menu How many times should you go online? When is the best time for me to go online? Check Up 1 Check Up 2 Time Management Replying to a posting What does a good discussion response looks like? Basics of responses. A “quality” posting. Do I use APA style? Check Up 1 Check Up 2 Quick Tips & Conclusion [You can move anywhere you want in this lesson by simply clicking on the subject. Don’t forget to click on the words “Go to the Main Menu” in the lower left hand corner of any screen to return back to this menu. ]
Time Management: How many times should you go online? Your instructor may detail how many postings you need to complete each week in the course syllabus.postings Your instructor may also define how long a period discussion lasts – one week, two weeks, etc. Compare the time limitations of the discussion with the number of postings you are required to make - that will tell you the minimum number of times you must go online. So, if you have four postings to do in a one week period you may need to go online 3-4 times during the week. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next subject)
Time Management: When is the best time for me to go online? You might want to consider developing a schedule – a routine. At least, initially until you are used to the online environment. Test it out: go online after the kids are fed, before work, after work, after your morning coffee, during lunch, or before bedtime. See what works best for you. If you have to post three or four times a week - consider going online every other day. Take the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
Check Up – Time Management 1. How many times should you go online each week? (click on a light bulb to answer the question) A. Every day, 3-4 times per day. B. It depends on how many postings my professor requires and how long the discussion period is. ( Go to the Main Menu) (Go to question 2)
A. Every day, 3-4 times per day. This isn’t the best choice. How many times you go online depends on the required number of postings you have to complete and how long the discussion lasts. However, if you find it is easier to go online every day, do so. Back to the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
That’s right! Great choice! Back to the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu) B. It depends on how many postings my professor requires and how long the discussion period is.
Check Up – Time Management 2. When is the best time for me to go online? (click on a light bulb to answer the question) A. Every day, 3-4 times per day. B. That is something I haven’t determined yet. (Go to the Main Menu) (Back to question 1)
A. Every day, 3-4 times per day. This isn’t the best choice. Consider establishing a routine or regularly scheduled time to go online. Once you are comfortable with the online environment, this routine may change. Back to the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
Back to the Check Up B. That is something I haven’t determined yet. That’s right! Consider establishing a routine or regularly scheduled time to go online. Once you are comfortable with the online environment, this routine change. Ultimately, you need to determine what is best for you. (Go to the Main Menu)
Replying to a posting: What does a good discussion response looks like? A good discussion response needs to meet the criteria established by your professor in the course syllabus. However, if your professor does not define a good discussion response, here are some key points: A good postingA good posting: is between 2 to 3 brief paragraphs in length. references the person you are responding to (who wrote the question/response). references the point from the previous posting which interested you. has your name at the end in closure. cites texts, readings, or other sources, if required by your professor. follows rules of good netiquette. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next subject)
One example of a good posting. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next subject)
Replying to a posting: Basics of responses. Remember not to wait until the last days of the discussion period to post, part of having an online discussion is being there during the discussion. It is hard to have a discussion if nobody is active in the discussion area. The following are important basic points to your online discussion postings. You should consider: Using good grammar skills, Using spell check and complete sentences, Following netiquette, Avoid typing in all capital letters – it is means you are shouting, Avoid typing in all lower case letters – it is means you are whispering, Being restrained with exclamation marks, Avoiding the use of abbreviations, Being respectful of others viewpoints, Avoiding the overuse of smilies. (Go to the Main Menu) (More on this subject)
Replying to a posting: Basics of responses. (Continued) Determining in your group at the outset if your replies will be with or without message. What this means is that the message you are responding to will attach at the end of your reply – like part of the message you reply to. Some people find it easier to follow discussions when replies are with messages being replied to. Getting involved, share your experiences and your knowledge. Others can learn from you even if your experiences are not directly in the education field. Asking a person to clarify if you don’t understand a question, or something someone else wrote. Asking a question if you have one. (Go to the Main Menu) You should also consider: (Next subject)
Replying to a posting: A “quality” posting. A “quality” posting is one that professors use to describe a message which discusses content, explores concepts, demonstrates your understanding of the topic, and identifies connections between readings and situations. Sometimes this means using citations from readings and texts. If you do cite, make sure you use APA style to properly reference the source. For example: Merriam and Caffarella (1999) stated that “learning is an internal process” (p. 195). Or “Learning is an internal process” which corresponds with the concept…(Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 195). The length requirements of a quality posting are generally 2-3 paragraphs, unless otherwise noted by your professor. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next subject)
Replying to a posting: Do I use APA style? What is APA style? It is a citation style established by the American Psychological Association. Your professor may require the use of APA style for your postings. Check your syllabus. Consider purchasing the book if you haven’t already. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual 5th Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Look at your university’s library resources. Take the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
1.What is one characteristic of a good posting? (click on a light bulb to answer the question) Check Up – Replying to a posting. A. Using people’s names and signing your name to the posting. B. Writing 4-5 paragraphs of detailed information as a reply. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next question)
A. Using people’s names and signing your name to the posting. Bingo! These are just two characteristics of a good reply. Back to the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
B. Writing 4-5 paragraphs of detailed information as a reply. Oops! This isn’t the right answer. Be considerate of other’s time. Don’t write a long message in the discussion area. Consider 2-3 brief paragraphs. A good rule of thumb: Don’t write more than you would want to read. Back to the Check Up (Go to the Main Menu)
Check Up – Replying to a posting. 2. What is APA style? (click on a light bulb to answer the question) A. It is an Annoying Part of Answering questions. B. It is a citation style established by the American Psychological Association. (Go to the Main Menu) (Back to question 1)
A. It is an Annoying Part of Answering questions. Back to the Check Up While this may be true, APA actually is a citation style established by the American Psychological Association. (Go to the Main Menu)
B. It is a citation style established by the American Psychological Association. Back to the Check Up Great job! You’re right! Consider investing in the APA Style Manual, or find online resources through the library reference section of your university. (Go to the Main Menu)
Quick Tips The html editor allows you to play with the font, font size, color, and general appearance of your message. There is a spell check – don’t forget to use it! (Go to the Main Menu) (Next part)
Quick Tips (con’t) Consider copying the question or message you want to reply to and pasting it in Word. That way you can think about your response and type it and post it at your leisure. If multiple questions are posted early copy them to Microsoft Word. Then, prepare your response in Word and post it on other days. But don’t forget to keep up-to-date on other replies so your posting isn’t redundant. You can always alter your message slightly if necessary as you post it. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next)
Conclusion This lesson has given you information on: – How to post in D2L – How to participate in a discussion – How to manage time – How to reply to questions – Quick Tips (Go to the Main Menu) (Next)
The End. Still have questions? Go to the home page for D2L for FAQs. Ask a classmate, your professor, or the your university’s help desk for assistance. (Go to the Main Menu) (Next)
Participating in an online discussion Credits Author: Margaret Mulligan, M.S., Instructional Designer This learning object was created for course ADLDSP 767 Program Planning & Implementation. Instructor: Simone Conceicao Copyright © 2005 (Go to the Main Menu)