SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 1 SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Air Pollution Dr. Naeem-uz-Zaman
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2 Contents 1.Air Pollution: Definition 2.Sources of Air Pollution 3.Particulate Matters (Sources, Impact, Pakistan Scenario) 4.Gaseous Pollution (Sources, Impact, Pakistan Scenario) I.Oxides of Sulfur II.Oxides of Nitrogen III.Carbon Mono Oxide IV.Hydrogen Sulfide V.Volatile Hydro Carbons
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3 Air Pollution: Definition Air pollution may be defined as any atmospheric condition in which certain substances are present in such circumstances that they can produce undesirable effects on man and his environment. – Most of these substances are naturally present in the atmosphere in low concentrations and may be harmless.
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 4
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5 Sources of Air Pollution 1.Particulate Matter 2.Oxides of Sulfur (SO X ) 3.Oxides of Nitrogen (NO X ) 4.Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5.Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 6 Particulate Matter Particulates, alternatively referred to as particulate matter (PM) or fine particles, are tiny subdivisions of solid or liquid matter suspended in a gas or liquid. In contrast, aerosol refers to particles and the gas together.
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7 NEQS for Particulate Matter mg/m 3 Boiler and Furnaces – Oil Fired300 – Coal Fired500 – Cement Kilns300 Grinding Crushing Clinker Coolers and Related Processes, Metallurgical Processes, Converters, Blast Furnaces and Cupolas:500
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 8 Smog Due to Particulate Matter in Tehran
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 9 Natural Particular Matter Dust – Agricultural Originate PM – Volcanic Emissions Manmade Particulate Matter Dust Stone Crushers Stone Grinding Cement Mills
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 10 Manmade Particulate Matter Fossil Fuels – Coal Combustion – Furnace Oil – Rice Husk – Exhaust of IC Engines Chemical Processing of Minerals Cotton Ginning Leather Buffing
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 11 Impact of PM PM is basically inert chemical and does not enter the cell metabolism as such. The particulates that pass through the respiratory system, enter the lung and get deposited. This reduces the oxygen transfer capacity of the lungs. This leads to asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues and premature death
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 12 Removal Technologies Cyclone Separators Fabric Filters Water Scrubbers Electrostatic Precipitators
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 13 Cyclone Separators &Fabric Filters
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 14 Water Scrubber
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 15 Electrostatic Precipitators
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 16 Oxides of Sulfur (SO X ) Sources – Burning of Sulfur Fossil Fuel Combustion Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing Paper Manufacturing Processing of Sulfide Minerals
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 17 Emission Factor of SO X NEQS – Sulfur Oxide, Sulfurous Acid/ Sulfuric Acid Plant: 5,000 mg/m 3 – Other Plants Except Power Plants Operating on gas and Oil: 1,700 mg/m 3
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 18 Impacts Acid Rain Respiratory Diseases Damage to Vegetation
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 19 Removal – Absorption in Lime – Absorption in Sodium Sulfite – Process Change: Single Stage to Multiple Stage Oxidation
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 20 Oxides of Nitrogen(NO X ) Forms – N 2 O, NO, NO 2 Sources – High Temperature Fossil Fuel Burning – Nitric Acid Plants
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 21 NEQS – Nitric Acid Manufacturing Units: 3,000 mg/m 3 – Other Plants Except Power Plants Operating on Gas or Oil: 3,000 mg/m 3 – Gas Fired Plants: 400 mg/m 3 – Oil Fired: 600 mg/m 3 – Coal Fired: 1,200 mg/m 3
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 22 Mitigation – Adsorption in Alkaline Liquids – Catalytic Reduction – Efficient Burner Design
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 23 Catalytic Reduction
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 24 Impacts Photochemical Smog Ozone Layer Depletion Toxic by Inhalation
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 25 Carbon Mono Oxide Sources: Incomplete Combustion of Fossil Fuel 1.Forest Burning 2.Automobile Exhaust 3.Inefficient Combustion Systems in Industries NEQS: 800 ppm Impact: Lethal Gas Case of Pak Arab Fertilizer Startup
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 26 Hydrogen Sulfide Sources: – Fermentation of Municipal Sewer – Gas and Oil Wells NEQS – 10 ppm
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 27 Impacts – Lethal Gas – Every year a number of deaths are reported due to poisoning by H 2 S – H 2 S attacks Copper and Brass Mitigation: – Proper venting of covered sewers
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 28 Volatile Hydro Carbons (VOC) Sources – IC Engines – Chemical Manufacturing Plants
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 29 Mitigation – Process Change – Incineration, most refineries use flare s to burn VOC – Absorption in activated carbon and recovery of VOCs – Dissolution of low boiling point solvents in high boiling point solvents, Recovery of Hexane by vegetable oils in edible oil plants. – Water washing of flue gases
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 30 Absorption in Activated Carbon and Recovery of VOCs
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 31 Impact – 56 VOCs have been indentified as carcinogenic. – Headache, weakness, fatigue, irritation, injury of sensitive parts, lung cancer, effect on nervous system
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 32 ENERCON Initiative ENERCON initiated two programs of air pollution mitigation via energy conservation: – Boiler Combustion Tune Up Program – Motor Vehicle Tune Up Program
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 33 Sources of Air Pollution in Pakistan Particulate Matter 1.Wind Blown Dust 2.Cement Mills 3.Stone Crushing Plants 4.Rice Husk/ Coal Fired Boilers 5.Cotton Ginning 6.Exhaust of IC Engines SOx1.Furnace Oil Based Power Plants 2.Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing Plants 3.Paper Mills using Sulfite Process NOx1.Motor Vehicle Emissions 2.Nitric Acid Manufacturing Plants CO1.Inefficient Combustion Systems H2S1.Municipal Sewers 2.Crude Oil Production and Processing VOC1.Motor Vehicle Emissions 2.Crude Oil Processing Plants
SCI-Pak Sustainable and Cleaner production in the manufacturing industries of Pakistan FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 34 Thank You