Lesson 5 What are nutrients?
You must eat to stay alive. Food supplies certain important chemicals called nutrients. Your body needs nutrients for growth and energy.
Most foods supply several nutrients. Most foods, however, are very rich in one or two nutrients. There are 5 groups of nutrients.
Carbohydrates: Supply energy, turn into glucose during digestion. Two kinds: sugars and starches.
Fats: Supply energy, but is usually stored energy. Keep the body warm.
Proteins: Are needed to build and repair cells and tissues. Also an important part of protoplasm, the living material in cells.
Vitamins: Help control chemical reactions in the body. For example, they control the amount of energy that cells give off. They also are needed for proper growth.
Minerals: Are important for healthy tissue. For example, minerals build strong bones and teeth. Muscles, nerves and blood also need minerals.