Ying Yao1, Bin Gao1*, Mandu Inyang1, Andrew R. Zimmerman2, Xinde Cao3, Pratap Pullammanappallil1, and Liuyan Yang4,1 1. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai , China 4. School of Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing , China ABSTRACT Biochar converted from agricultural residues or other carbon-rich wastes may provide new methods and materials for environmental management, particularly with respect to carbon sequestration and contaminant remediation. In this study, two biochars were produced from anaerobically digested and undigested sugar beet tailings through slow-pyrolysis at 600 o C in a N 2 environment. Compared to STC, DSTC had similar pH and surface functional groups, but higher surface area. SEM-EDS and XRD analyses showed that colloidal and nano-sized periclase (MgO) was presented on the surface of DSTC. The DSTC showed the highest phosphate removal ability with a removal rate around 73% compared to STC, an activated carbon, and three Fe-modified biochar/AC adsorbents. Our results suggest that anaerobically digested sugar beet tailings biochar could be used as adsorbents to reclaim phosphate from water. 1. INTRODUCTION Biochar is a pyrogenic black carbon that has attracted increased attention in both political and academic areas[1]. In addition to its carbon sequestration and soil amelioration applications, studies have also indicated biochar’s potential to be used as a low-cost adsorbent, storing chemical compounds including some of the most common environmental pollutants[2]. Sugar beet tailings are the waste byproducts from the production of beet sugar, which are generated by the sugar industry as solid waste every day. In this study, biochars were made from both undigested and anaerobically digested sugar beet tailings at 600 C through slow pyrolysis. Our objectives were to: 1) determine whether the anaerobically digested sugar beet tailings can be efficiently used as feedstock for biochar and bioenergy production, 2) compare the physicochemical properties of biochar obtained from digested feedstock to those of biochar obtained from pyrolysis of sugar beet tailings directly, and 3) assess the phosphate removal ability of the biochars. 4. PHOSPHATE REMOVAL 5. Summary 2. BIOCHAR PRODUCTION Table 1. Elemental analysis of raw and digested sugar beet tailings, & their associated biochars, STC and DSTC, respectively (mass %). residue from the anaerobic digestion of sugar beet tailings can be used as a feed stock for biochar production; some of the physicochemical properties (e.g., pH and surface functional groups) of the two biochars are similar, but only the anaerobically digested sugar beet tailing biochar has colloidal and nano-sized periclase (MgO) on its surface; anaerobic digestion enhances the phosphate adsorption ability of biochar produced from digested sugar beet tailings relative to undigested ones. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution by Biochar Derived from Anaerobically Digested Sugar Beet Tailings SampleCHO b NPSCaMgKFeAlZnNaCu Digested Tailing c ---- Raw Tailing DSTC STC (a) STC 500X (b) DSTC 500X Fig. 1 SEM photo of calcium carbonate surface before and after the reaction and XRD result for the product (c) DSTC 7000X Raw sugar beet tailings and anaerobically digested sugar beet tailing residues were converted into biochars using a bench-scale slow pyrolyzer at 600 o C in a N 2 environment. The biochar production rates of the digested and undigested materials were 45.5% and 36.3% of initial dry weight, respectively. The bio-oil production rates were similar for the digested and undigested sugar beet tailings with values of 12.5% and 10.9%, respectively. These results suggest that residue materials from anaerobic digestion of sugar beet tailings can be used as feedstock for both biochar and further bioenergy production. SampleZeta potential(mV)pHBET N2 (m 2 /g)BET CO2 (m 2 /g) DSTC STC Table 2. Zeta potential, pH and surface area of raw and digested sugar beet tailing biochars, STC and DSTC, respectively. 3. BIOCHAR PROPERTIES Fig. 2 (a)XRD spectra of the two biochars. Crystallites were detected with peaks labeled as Q for quartz (SiO 2 ), C for calcite (CaCO 3 ), and P for periclase (MgO). (b)FTIR spectra of the two biochar samples. (a) (b) Fig. 3 Comparison of phosphate removal by different adsorbents Each of the three biochars (Granulated activated carbon (AC), DSTC and STC) were modified by impregnating ferric hydroxide onto the AC (i.e., FeAC), STC (i.e., FeSTC), and DSTC (i.e., FeDSTC) samples. Both AC and STC showed very low phosphate removal. The DSTC demonstrated the highest phosphate removal with a rate about 73%. The ferric hydroxide impregnation did increase the phosphate removal for the AC and STC, with FeAC and FeSTC removal of about 10% and 8% of phosphate, respectively. The enhanced removal of phosphate by the DSTC was probably because of the large amount of colloidal and nano-sized periclase (MgO) on its surface, which has a strong ability to bind phosphate in aqueous solution[3,4]. Fig. 4 Effect of (a) pH and (b) coexisting anions on phosphate adsorption onto DSTC (a) (b) [1] Verheijen, F.; Jeffery, S.; Bastos, A. C.; Velde, M. v. d.; Diafas, I. Biochar application to soils - a critical scientific review of effects on soil properties, processes and functions. 2009: EUR EN, Office for the Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemburg, 149pp. [2] Yang, Y. N.; Sheng, G. Y. Enhanced pesticide sorption by soils containing particulate matter from crop residue burns. Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37, [3] Volceanov, E.; Georgescu, M.; Volceanov, A.; Mihalache, F. Zirconium phosphate binder for periclase refractories. Silic. Ind. 2003, 68, [4] Chernyakhovskii, V. A. Technology of Unfired Periclase-Spinel Parts with a Phosphate Binder. Refractories 1985, 26, Acknowledgements This research was partially supported by the USDA T-STAR program and the NSF through grant CBET The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Willie Harris for his assistance with the XRD analysis. The authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for providing input that led to improvement of the manuscript. References