1 Implementation of Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme (NHPPS) 13 April 2010
2 Background Initiatives of Policy Address include: purchasing, for the first time, vacant places from self-financing nursing homes and care and attention homes Initiatives of Budget include: to speed up the provision of subsidised nursing home places … will increase the recurrent funding…
3 Eligible Homes Operated by Bona-fide non-governmental and non-profit-making organisations that are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112) Self-financing Nursing Homes (NHs) or Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs)
4 Purchase of NH places Purchase of Vacant NH places in self- financing NHs or RCHEs with places upgraded to NH level Purchase of 380 NH places in phases from to Number of NH places purchased in each self-financing home not exceeding 50% of the licensing capacity
5 Service Provision of NHPPS (1) Purpose and Objectives To provide residential care and facilities with regular basic medical and nursing care To maintain the health of the elderly residents and assist them with their varying personal care needs and daily living activities To meet the social and recreational needs of the residents and promote interpersonal relationships among residents
6 Service Provision of NHPPS (2) Target Group Elders assessed to be of severe impairment level under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services Elders who require medical, nursing, rehabilitative and personal care in daily living activities and are mentally suitable for communal living
7 Application for NHPPS (1) SWD invites all self-financing NHs and RCHEs for application for NHPPS Expression of Interest (EOI) from self-financing NHs/RCHEs includes - Interested in NHPPS - Not interested in NHPPS - NHPPS under consideration
8 Application for NHPPS (2) Application form for NHPPS includes - NH license ready / not yet ready - Plan for obtaining a NH license - Max. no. of NH places for purchase
9 Selection of NHs/RCHEs Vetting Committee composed of representatives of LWB, SWD and DH Selection criteria e.g. readiness in providing NH service, past performance record of the NH/RCHE
10 Purchase Agreement Purchase of NH places by phases according to the readiness of the NHPPS Home and not more than 25 places per month Validity period not exceeding 12 months
11 Government Subsidy Unit subsidy of $11,800 per place per month
12 Fee Income $2,000 per head per month
13 Service Monitoring (1) Service performance monitored by Contract Management Section (CMS) of Elderly Branch
14 Service Monitoring (2) Service requirements to comply with “Hospital, Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Ordinance”(Cap. 165) and its subsidiary regulations to meet the requirements of 16 Service Quality Standards (SQSs) to comply with the Manual of Procedures on Registration and Allocation of Long Term Care Services [July 2006 (Revised)]
15 Service Monitoring (3) Service Outputs 95% Enrolment rate 90% residents with formulation of individual care plan within one month after admission (the rest within three months) 90% individual care plans reviewed within one year
16 Other Supportive Measure Consideration of granting a set-up cost from Lotteries Fund covering furniture and equipment items for NHPPS Homes, subject to FSTB’s approval
17 Implementation Schedule of NHPPS (Phase I Purchase) DateTasks 1Q Invitation for application for NHPPS 2Q Vetting 3Q Announcement of Assessment Outcomes 3/4Q Admission of NHPPS cases (Phase I)
18 Enquiry NHPPS Scheme Ms Chan Sau-ming Elderly Branch/SWD Tel no. : DH LicenseMs Timmy Chik Office for Registration of Healthcare/DH Tel no. :
19 Thank You !