Comprehensible Input SIOP Component #3
Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol S. I. O. P Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol S.I.O.P. – 8 Components, 30 Features Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review/Assessment SIOP has 8 components and 30 features. To help you remember this we have a clock set to 8:30. Today we are going to be discussing the first component – Lesson Preparation. Lesson preparation is important because we know that thoughtful planning with consideration of your students individual needs, leads to effective teaching and learning!
Stephen Krashen’s 5-pronged theory of Language Aquisition TPR Review Stephen Krashen’s 5-pronged theory of Language Aquisition 1. Language acquisition is a subconscious and intuitive process much like how children pick up their first language. 2. The monitor: If students learn language through rules rather than naturally fluency will be delayed. 3. The natural order of acquisition: ELs will first acquire that which has the most meaning, form comes later. 4. Providing comprehensible input – to acquire language. 5. The affective filter: a cognitive shut-down if anxious. Remember for our introduction that whenever we are thinking about instructing ELLs we always need to keep their acculturation – where have they come from and what is their story? and the principles of how language acquisition works. Let’s review the TPR gestures to review these basic principles of Krashen’s 5-pronged theory: Language acquisition in a natural process – gesture with fingers like rain falling from the sky, learning language is as natural as rain The monitor – gesture putting hand on pulse to check how we are doing – If you focus on the rules of a language prior to communicating with the language you put a monitor in place that hampers fluency. For example: if I has you what plans you have for the weekend – but I instructed you to only used words that did not contain the letter “N” – that would change your focus from communicating plans to monitoring how you communicated plans – that is a monitor. The gesture for natural order is holding out one hand and making a motion with the other like a list – one thing after another. It is important to remember with language acquisition that it occurs in a natural order, meaning first and then form. The form will come, but need to celebrate meaningful communication. Example: “My dad work John Morrell make big money.” We know the meaning, the form will come with time. Comprehensible input – gesture with right hand – information going into the brain and then a light bulb going off above the brain. They need to know what we are talking about! This is where visuals and hands on learning is essential. The affective filter: this is a reminder about the acculturation process – a protective, defensive affective filter goes up if the student does not feel safe or a a sense of belonging. We need to make sure students know our expectations, know the routines, and feel safe in our classes – then their frontal lobe can engage and learning is accelerated. TPR Gesture: hands to chest and take a deep breath – to symbolize breathing.
Three Features of Comprehensible Input TPR Three Features of Comprehensible Input Feature 10: Appropriate Speech Feature 11: Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks Feature 12: A Variety of Techniques Used The TPR Gesture for Component #3: Comprehensible Input is: fingers together on right hand, gesture toward forehead, as if putting information in and then quickly opening the hand facing out – as if “ah ha!” a light bulb has come on in the brain – “I get it!”
#10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels TPR #10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levels refers to 1. rate and enunciation - how the teacher speaks Aware of how fast they are speaking, enunciating clearly 2. complexity of speech – what is said such as: Level of the vocabulary used Complexity of the sentence structure Use of idioms – common sayings that cannot be translated exactly such as, “below the belt” for unfair. Els understand things literally, helped by clear visuals. “ Students who are at the beginning levels of English proficiency benefit from teachers who slow down their rate of speech, use pauses, and enunciate clearly while speaking. As students become more comfortable with the language and acquire higher levels of proficiency, a slower rate isn’t as necessary. In fact, for advanced and transitional students, teachers should use a rate of speech that is normal for a regular classroom. Effective SIOP teachers adjust their rate of speech and enunciation to their students’ levels of English proficiency.” TPR gesture for #10: Index finger from each hand points to the temple on each side of the head and slides downward to touch the lips – to symbolize “thoughtful speech” – knowing one’s students, their level of language acquisition and tempering our speech appropriately.
#10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels Students will respond according to their proficiency level. Example: Students who are asked to describe the setting in a story will have various responses: • Level 1: (No response, not sure what setting is yet or in silent period) • Level 2: “Cold day.” • Level 3: “The day is cold and there is snow.” • Level 4: “The day is very cold and heavy snow is falling.” • Level 5: “It is a cold, winter day and it is snowing more heavily then usual.” • Level 6: “The unusually heavy snow on the day the story takes place causes a number of problems for the characters.”
#10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels Paraphrasing & repetition enhance understanding for Els and all students. Brain research tells us that repetition strengthens connections in the brain (Jensen, 2005). Els benefit from repeated exposures to a word in order to hear it accurately because they often lack the auditory acuity to decipher sounds of English words. “ Adding gestures (Total Physical Response technique) when teaching key vocabulary helps students to reinforce for students when they are hearing a key vocabulary word and what it means. • Note: Less is more sometimes. Remember when using an interpreter at parent-teacher conferences, put things in shorter sentences, easier to translate; stop every few sentences for translation. The same can be said in the classroom. It is helpful to stop and have students talk with a partner to restate a key point you may have just made to give them time to think and process.
#10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels Using appropriate speech patterns and terms that are easier for Els to understand contributes to comprehensible input. “
#10 – Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels Please stand, walk and find someone from a different grade level to talk with: • Discuss modifications to teacher speech that can increase student comprehension. • Discuss any modifications to your speech you have made for Els or individuals with hearing loss. “ Have participants discuss any time they have had to make modifications in their speech, whether it is for a father who is hard of hearing, a time when they were travelling in another country, an EL student they have had in their classroom, or an EL parent they have communicated with.
#11 – Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks TPR #11 – Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks ELs and native English speakers perform better in academic situations when the teachers gives clear instructions for assignments and activities. 1. It is critical for Els to have instructions presented in a step-by-step manner, preferably modeled or demonstrated. Ideally, a finished product is shown. 2. Oral directions should always be accompanied by written ones so Els can refer back to them at a later point in time. (Elem. SIOP p. 83) TPR gesture for #11: Make the motion your hand writing clear step by step directions on the board (directions could also be clearly written on the Smart Board), but the idea is that the teacher takes time to write out clear directions that are also given orally, in a step by step manner, with visuals.
#11 – Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks An example of a clear explanation of tasks written on the board by a teacher for a reading selection which contains lots of words about people, places, and things in the community. Read the story together Read words cards with your partner. Place each card in a column: people, places, things. Tell your partner why the card goes in the column. • The teacher goes over each step showing visuals with each step.
#11 – Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks Take a minute, think of a two or three step academic task you have asked a student to do. Write down the steps on a piece of blank paper. Talk with a partner and ask him/her to provide feedback on how clear the directions would be for an English Learner.
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Use TPR! Gestures, body language, pictures & realia • TPR – Total Physical Response was first used by James Asher in the 1960s. • Marzano’s Dual Coding Theory says that when both linguistic and nonlinguistic input is used it strengthens the memory trace and increases the likelihood that the memory will stored for future recall. TPR for #12: Raise hands above the head and bring them down to your side, wiggling the fingers while making a big circle with your arms indicating a variety of techniques that encompass many ideas to communicate meaning! Realia/supplementary materials – real life examples or even images of things (google images). Video clips – go to learn 360 or
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Learn the gesture for #12 & then talk with a partner: Have you used TPR in the classroom to teach vocabulary? How? What are some subjects or vocabulary words you could use TPR with? TPR for #12: Raise hands above the head and bring them down to your side, wiggling the fingers while making a big circle with your arms indicating a variety of techniques that encompass many ideas to communicate meaning! Realia/supplementary materials – real life examples or even images of things (google images). Video clips – go to learn 360 or
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Bring in realia or use supplemental materials. • Example: talking about types or rocks – bring in samples What have you done? Watch video clips PRIOR to starting a unit. • Why would it be important to watch the video before the unit instead of after? TPR for #12: Raise hands above the head and bring them down to your side, wiggling the fingers while making a big circle with your arms indicating a variety of techniques that encompass many ideas to communicate meaning! Realia/supplementary materials – real life examples or even images of things (google images). Video clips – go to learn 360 or
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Provide a model of a process, task, or assignment. Preview material for optimal learning. • When students’ attention is focused on the specific information they will be responsible for learning in the lesson, students are able to prepare themselves for the information that is coming, making itmore comprehensible for them. Allow Alternative forms of expressing their understanding of information: ie. Pictures, maps, etc. Use multimedia and other technologies in lessons.
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Provide repeated exposures to words, concepts, and skills. Els are learning through a new language, and in order for the input to be comprehensible, they need repetition. Use sentence strips: write events & sequence stips Scaffold language by chunking information into smaller bits, asking questions about it and talking about it.
#12 – A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear Use graphic organizers effectively: Show key vocabulary and concepts graphically Most effective when they match the objectives & task Record texts for comprehension A recorded version of the text not only allows for multiple opportunities to hear the text, but the reader who records the text can modify it to proficiency levels. The same passage may be read more slowly with clear enunciation for beginning speakers.
Three Features of Comprehensible Input Feature 10: Appropriate Speech Feature 11: Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks Feature 12: A Variety of Techniques Used TPR gesture for #10: Index finger from each hand points to the temple on each side of the head and slides downward to touch the lips – to symbolize “thoughtful speech” – knowing one’s students, their level of language acquisition and tempering our speech appropriately. TPR gesture for #11: Make the motion your hand writing clear step by step directions on the board (directions could also be clearly written on the Smart Board), but the idea is that the teacher takes time to write out clear directions that are also given orally, in a step by step manner, with visuals. TPR for #12: Raise hands above the head and bring them down to your side, wiggling the fingers while making a big circle with your arms indicating a variety of techniques that encompass many ideas to communicate meaning!