UN Special Rapporteur on Disability Genesis: UN resolution 48/96, December 1993 Adoption of the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for.


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Presentation transcript:

UN Special Rapporteur on Disability Genesis: UN resolution 48/96, December 1993 Adoption of the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities

The Standard Rules: Set of 22 rules covering all aspects of life for persons with disabilities. They constitute guidelines for governments, societies, the public and private sectors Divided into 4 categories:  Pre-conditions  Target Areas  Implementation Measures  Monitoring Mechanisms

Monitoring… To fulfill the Monitoring function, the post of Special Rapporteur was created First Rapporteur: Bengt Lindqvist, Sweden, Second Rapporteur: Hissa Al Thani, Qatar, 2003-

Functions of the Rapporteur Furthering implementation of the Standard Rules Raising awareness Monitoring Advocacy Coordination & cooperation (gov’t, NGOs, disabled peoples organizations) Advisory/consultative services Reporting to the UN CSD, UNHCHR, & the Secretary General

Vision A world free of all forms of discrimination, obstacles and barriers; which enables its members to fully realize their potential. A world that allows all its member to participate equally in the enjoyment of its resources and to contribute to its advancement.

Mission To promote and monitor the implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities, and to advance their status throughout the world.

ACTIVITIES of the UN Special Rapporteur on Disability Suggested Areas of Cooperation

Global Survey 10 years since the adoption of the Standard Rules, In accordance with the mandate of the Special Rapporteur, A global survey was designed to assess the progress made on implementation of the Standard Rules:  Covering 193 countries  286 NGOs and DPOs  48 regional organizations  To be sent out at the end of September, 2004  Returns expected in January, 2005  Analysis to be completed in February, 2005

Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities Adopted by the Arab League in May 2004 Document did not reflect a rights-based approach to people with disabilities; Not a suited as a base for strong legislation; Allowed for loopholes & qualifications Covered 11 areas of concern, including women, children and older people with disabilities

Contributions of the Special Rapporteur to AD To strengthen the Arab Decade document To formulate a workable action plan specific to the needs of each sub-region To give voice to DPOs in the region on their own issues To make use of the experiences of the African and Asian Decades To strengthen cooperation on disability issues among international and regional organizations

Continued… To build the capacity of parliamentarians, legislators, people with disabilities and their organizations To raise awareness of disability issues at governmental, social, public and private levels To keep the momentum generated by the declaration of the Arab Decade

Activities relating to Arab Decade Meeting of Experts (Beirut, Lebanon, August 2004) Strengthening the capacity to legislate in disability issues (Parliamentary coordination) Capacity building through sub-regional meetings and coordinated actions Monitoring of the implementation of the Arab Decade Media-driven awareness raising campaign (TV spots & documentary)

Regional Consultations Aimed at:  Furthering the implementation of the Standard Rules  Monitoring the progress of countries in implementation  Raising awareness of issues of people with disabilities

Regional Consultation… A meeting in each of the six regions to include:  NGOs and DPOs  Government officials at the highest levels  Ministries and official departments concerned with disabilities (i.e. Social Affairs, Health, Housing…etc.)  International organizations working in that region

Regional Consultations… Three representative countries in each region are chosen for extensive review and negotiation with governments Overall purpose:  To discuss issues, recognize positive government contributions, encourage further work  To highlight the successes  To transfer knowledge and good practice  To lend support to DPOs  To arbitrate the relationship between governments and DPOs

In-house Research Conducting research in-house on all regions of the world regarding every aspect relating to disability Research will be published in several volumes Publications will provide country profiles to be used by researchers, advocates, activists and policy makers

Suggested areas of cooperation Sponsoring the Global Survey Supporting Arab Decade Visiting Program for Parliamentarians Regional Consultations In-house Research

Suggested areas of cooperation Sponsoring the Global Survey  Estimated cost USD 200,000 Supporting Arab Decade  Estimated cost USD 900,000 Visiting Program for Parliamentarians  200 USD 10,000 per person Regional Consultations  USD 250,000 per region x 6 regions In-house Research  Estimated cost USD 250,000