European implementation and monitoring UNCRPD Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit DG Employment social affairs and equal opportunities European.


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Presentation transcript:

European implementation and monitoring UNCRPD Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit DG Employment social affairs and equal opportunities European Commission

Art 33 1 or more focal points ( matters of implementation) Coordination mechanisms (sectors and levels) Independent mechanisms (promote, protect and monitor implementation) Civil society participation monitoring

Role of the EC Regional Integration Organization art 44.1 UNC Double implication of the UNCRPD –Vis a vis MS (declaration of competences) –Community institutions (art TEC) Art 33 organizations at both levels: EC as Regional Integrations organisations + EC Institution: –Focal point –Independent mechanism –Coordination mechanism Governance (EC Participation to): –Conference of State Parties –Committee on the Rights of Persons with disabilities

Commission proposals for conclusion (1) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion (formal confirmation), by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities COM (2008) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion (accession), by the European Community, of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities COM (2008) August 2008 COHOM Content –Approval –Deposition of instrument –Commission organization issues related to art 33 –Reporting –Representation –Procedural articles (amendment, denunciation) –Declaration of Competence –Reservation

Commission proposals for conclusion (2) Article 3 The Commission to be the Focal point Community institutions may establish a coordination mechanism (ref to art 33.1 UNC) Council to decide on Commission proposal for establishment of independent mechanisms (ref to art 33.2 UNC)

Commission proposals for conclusion (3) Other issues Art 4 Commission to nominate expert to the Committee on behalf of the Community Art 5 MS to submit report to Commission on matters falling under EC competence. –Modus operandi by Commission Art 5 Community institutions to decide by common agreement on reporting Art 6 The Commission to represent the Community in UN bodies in areas falling under Community competence.

Commission proposals for conclusion (4) Optional protocol –Approval –Deposition of instrument –Obligation of mutual information and cooperation when community law is involved –Submission of communications –Procedural articles (amendment, denunciation) –Declaration of Competence –Reservation

EFC study Focal Point-> –Commission Coordination Mechanism-> –DHLG, –ISG, Independent Mechanism-> –ombudsman, –FRA

Organization and actors disability matters EC High level group on disability Inter service group on disability DGs disability sector activities Sectors High level groups Disability units Instruments: –ISC –IA Other institutions –CWG, –EP –(inter institutional mechanism)

Considerations Link to article 31 on statistics and data collection Links to article 35 on reports by State Parties (measures, progress, 2 years ) Committee shall decide guidelines for reports Involvement persons with disabilities (involvement and support)

UN Convention implementation Annual disability Minister meeting Presidency Conclusions Annual Disability High level Group report on implementation Annual Information Note Annual Presidency Conference European Disability Strategy: Present and future

New disability strategy Implement the UNC Common challenges and solutions Indicators, targets, NGOs support and involvement Consultations for preparation Work forum in 2010 coordination

Conclusion Cooperation with MS Implementation within Community institutions Participation of civil society Best practices