history politics community location Triple Bottom Line Sound Financial Performance Social & Strategic Objectives Sustainability - The Context
I. The Project II. Triple Bottom Line III. Learnings
I. The Project II. Triple Bottom Line III. Learnings
Bridgeland - Riverside Community City of Calgary The Bridges Location
The Former General Hospital
THE BRIDGES - Original Site Configuration Total Study Area: 36.8 ac (14.9 ha) PARKING LOT LANDS HOSPITAL LANDS OPEN SPACES LANDS
THE BRIDGES - Present Site Configuration
Total Gross Acres36.8 Roads 11.6 Open Space (PE)11.6 Net Saleable Acres13.6 Gross to Net Efficiency Ratio37% Number of Sites16 Maximum Number of Units1,575 Market Period (3 phases)6 years THE BRIDGES - Project Description
I. The Project II. Triple Bottom Line III. Learnings
The City must balance quality design, social and strategic City objectives against a sound financial performance. It must demonstrate a commitment to the policies contained in The Bridges Concept Plan and provide the leadership to bring them to fruition through the implementation of a fiscally responsible development strategy. Project Mission Statement:
THE BRIDGES - Concept Plan Objectives Transit Supportive Development Community Integration Increased Density Optimal Open Space Distribution Affordable Housing Economically Viable & Marketable Commemoration of Calgary General Hospital
Triple Bottom Line Sound Financial Performance Social & Strategic Objectives Sustainability
50 Sustainable Elements in Concept Plan Including: Increased density Inner city redevelopment Mixed use (live-work) Pedestrian orientation Public safety & security Solar orientation Stakeholder consultation Transit friendly design Use of existing infrastructure Vegetation conservation Water saving landscaping design THE BRIDGES - Sustainable Plan
THE BRIDGES - Community Consultation
THE BRIDGES - Council Directives District Energy Council Directives Decisions Required Prior to Land Disposition Energy Efficiency Affordable Housing
Mandated Energy Efficiencies in Buildings Building recycling centre Construction waste management Dimmer switches Downward lighting Energy Star rated appliances Faucet aerators Green building materials Indoor/outdoor bicycle parking Integrated landscape design Low E windows Low-flow shower heads Motion sensors timers Setback thermostat Ultra-low volume toilets Water efficient irrigation Xeriscaping THE BRIDGES - Council Motions Energy Efficiency Adds up to ~ $2,000
Motion: Considerations: Potential for a District Energy System Corporate District Energy report Timing Creation of utility company Infrastructure in place Land sales THE BRIDGES - Council Motions District Energy
Impact of units Low income families with children Motion: Considerations: Appropriate location within project Financial impact Calgary General Hospital Legacy Fund Affordable Housing THE BRIDGES - Council Motions
Phase 1: Included in scoring matrix for land sales Resulted in 4 buildings with16 affordable housing units Phase 2 & 3: Further review of opportunities Affordable Housing THE BRIDGES - Council Motions
Submission Evaluation Criteria THE BRIDGES - Phase 1 Land Sales Process
THE BRIDGES - Integrating TBL into Land Disposition Process Fair, Open & Transparent Political Climate Integrated Energy Efficiency, District Energy, and Affordable Housing Integrated Energy Efficiency, District Energy, and Affordable Housing Created a Foundation to Build Upon
THE BRIDGES - The Learnings Sound Financial Performance Social & Strategic Objectives Sustainability LearningTBL = increased value