NAME OF PROJECT: promoting the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and of the Disability Act in Malawi through the establishment of an independent monitoring unit’ PROJECT PERIOD: 1 st September st August 2015
Project summary Project objectives Project activities Project implementing partners conclusion
The DRF project aims to promote the full implementation and domestication of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in Malawi through the establishment of an independent monitoring unit. In addition, it aims at ensuring the implementation of the Disability Act which is also in line with the UNCRPD. The project will also produce an alternative or shadow report on the UNCRPD. FEDOMA in collaboration with Malawi Law Society and Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation intends to strengthen Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPO) in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in Malawi by giving them a pivotal role in monitoring the implementation f the UNCRPD as well as the Disability Act.
It is envisaged that through this collective approach, PWDs in Malawi will fully enjoy their rights as provided in the UNCRPD and Malawi’s Disability Law. The Malawi government is committed to the promotion and protection of the rights of people with disabilities by implementing laws and policies in the light of the provisions of the UNCRPD and the Disability law of Malawi
The project, has three main objectives 1. Gather data to support the compilation of the first Malawi alternative report (shadow report) 2. Lobbying for appointment of the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) as the unit responsible for independent monitoring of implementation of the CRPD in Malawi. 3. Leading the process towards implementation of the CRPD and the recently passed Persons with Disability Act, 2012.
1.Data collection through Desk research Focus group discussions Regional listening tours 2. Consultative meetings with stakeholders on monitoring and implementation of the UNCRPD 3.Media awareness activities on the popularization of the UNCRPD and the Disability Act 4. Training of DPOs on the UNCRPD and the Disability Act
The project is being implemented through a coalition of three organisations namely FEDOMA Malawi Law Society (MLS) Centre For Human Rights And Rehabilitation (CHRR) Each of these organisations has its own roles stipulated and bound by a memorandum of understanding
Through this project, FEDOMA sees to it that the best way to influence development players is through collective action. The coalition will strive to build the capacity of Disabled People’s Organisations so as to enable them to be effective advocates of their members’ rights. This will in turn enable PWDs to be equal members of society and take part in the decision making process at all levels, since the government will be implementing its obligations under both national and international conventions/policies for persons with disabilities.
Thank you for the attention!!!!!!