Person Perception Asch’s Gestalt Model of Person Perception intelligent, skillfull, industrious, cold, determined, practical, cautious intelligent, skillfull, industrious, warm, determined, practical, cautious Things that matter in perception order a word occurs context of the other words Asch argues this shows that people formed a Gestalt of the person
Perceiving Non-Verbal Behavior Across cultures there is a common perception of emotion that goes with certain facial expressions for at least six emotions happy, angry, sad, surprise, disgust, fear We also pay attention to body language One area where non-verbal information plays a critical role is in the detection of deception
Heider Phenomenlogical Model We make attributions to predict the world Brunswick Lens Model - The perceiver shapes reality through the lense of their beliefs and preconceptions Attributions about Causality Locus of Causality - Internal vs. External the person or the situation Attributions of Responsibility Intention and foreknowledge note this is not the same as attributions of causality although in practice we often confuse these
Jones & Davis Correspondent Inference Theory When someone does something is it a reflection of who they are? Do you make a correpondent inference. Factors we consider choice expectedness noncommon effects
Kelley’s Covariation Model We make attributions based on the covariation principle - a cause must be present when an event occurs and absent when it doesn’t occur He says we use three kinds of covariation information Consensus information - what do other people in general say about the event Distinctiveness - what does this person say about other events Consistency - what does this person say Now How do you put these things together