“The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of age 5-16 years in such a manner as may be determined by law”
Citizen led large scale national household survey (3-16 years). Quality of education in rural and some urban areas (5-16 years). Seeks to provide evidence on learning and access. Influence National & Provincial policy and actions for Right To Education (RTE) Article 25-A. Provides information for tracking MDG/EFA trends and targets up to Influencing goal setting for Post-2015 agenda. ASER PAKISTAN
ASER ASSESSMENT TOOLS ASER Assessment tools are prepared in following categories: Reading (Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto) Arithmetic English General Knowledge Assessments are based on Class II level curriculum for English & Urdu/Sindhi/Pashto and Class III level for Arithmetic.
National – Scale & Scope (Rural & Urban)
KP – Scale & Scope RUR AL
URBA N KP – Scale & Scope
Enrollment (3-5 Years) 38% 62% RUR AL
Enrollment (6-10 Years) 68% 32% RUR AL
Enrollment (6-16 Years) 85% 15% RUR AL FATA: 20% of children (age 6-16) were reported to be out-of-school which has decreased as compared to previous year (21%).
Province/area wise comparison Enrollment (6-16 Years)
Out of School Children: (Age 6-16 years) District Comparison RUR AL Karak has the highest enrollment rates (99%) where as Kohistan has the lowest Enrollment rates (56%) for children 6-16 years.
Gender Gap in out-of-school children 3-5 years 6-16 years
Composition of Enrollment RUR AL Proportion of children going to government schools has decreased (3%) as compared to 2013 (73%) years Proportion of children going to government schools has decreased (5%) as compared to 2013 (73%). Total Enrolled: 85%Total Enrolled: 87% 6-10 years
Class wise Enrollment RUR AL
Learning Levels: Urdu/Pashto (Class 5) RUR AL 39% Can Read Story Decreased by 1% as compared to %
Learning Levels: Urdu/Pashto (Class 5) Provincial Comparison RUR AL Province/area-wise map showing % children who can read story of class 2 level. FATA: Learning Levels of children enrolled in grade 5 have improved since 2013 (30%)
Learning Levels: Urdu/Pashto (Class 5) District Comparison RUR AL Tor Garh: Best Performing district (72%)
Learning Levels: English (Class 5) RUR AL 39% Can Read Sentence Increased by 3% as compared to %
Learning Levels: English (Class 5) Provincial Comparison RUR AL Province/area-wise map showing % children who can read sentences of class 2 level. FATA: Learning Levels of children enrolled in grade 5 have improved since 2013 (28%)
Learning Levels: English (Class 5) District Comparison RUR AL Charsadda: Best Performing district (68%)
Learning Levels: Arithmetic (Class 5) RUR AL Can Do 2-Digit Division Increased by 2% as compared to %38%
Learning Levels: Arithmetic (Class 5) Provincial Comparison RUR AL Province/area-wise map showing % children who can do 2-digit division of class 3 level. FATA: Learning Levels of children enrolled in grade 5 have improved since 2013 (37%)
Learning Levels: Arithmetic (Class 5) District Comparison RUR AL Mansehra: Best Performing district (71%)
Learning Levels by Gender (Class 5) RUR AL
Learning Levels by School Type (Class 5) RUR AL
Paid Tuition RUR AL
Parents having at least primary schooling
Comparison of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Urban with National-Urban National UrbanKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Enrollment (3-5 years) Enrollment (6-16 years) Learning (Urdu)* Learning (English)* Learning (Arithmetic)* Tuition: Govt. Schools Tuition: Pvt. Schools Mother's Education (At least primary) *Class 5 children who can read Story in Urdu, Sentences in English and can do 2-digit division.
Attendance RUR AL
Facilities RUR AL
Useable Toilets and Drinking Water (%school) RUR AL
Multi Grade Teaching
What’s New in the Tools Disability Questionnaire In collaboration with Dr Nidhi Singal (Cambridge University), Dr Pauline Rose (Cambridge University) and Dr Monazza Aslam (Oxford University), one separate sheet comprising of 7 questions on disability/health and functioning was developed. Disability / Health & Functioning Questionnaire has been conducted across 9 Districts in ASER 2014.
Findings of 9 Districts Some rural and urban areas: Quetta Rural, Quetta Urban, Shikarpur Urban, Bajaur Agency Rural, Peshawar Urban, Lahore Rural, Lahore Urban, Multan Rural, Multan Urban.
Findings of KP and FATA Bajur Agency and Peshawar-Urban
Political Economy of Learning: A challenge to ASER by the Political Leaders of Pakistan PML-NPTIPkMapJI
Constituency results – Lower Dir
Dissemination with a Difference! Mobilizing a Citizens’ Movement for Quality Education in Pakistan
o ASER Baithaks/Jirgas/Katcheries (village/area gatherings) stakeholders: parents, communities, children, teachers. teachers, parents, children, government field officials to demand ACTION FOR IMPROVEMENT! o Teacher Unions & Associations Baithaks o District/Provincial Education & Literacy Departments o Youth Groups - mobilizing Ambassadors for Learning o Parliamentarians – politicians knocking on the doors in their constituencies o Academia/University /Research Groups - Pakistan & Abroad o Civil Society Organizations – nationwide- globally o Social Media o Media – Media – Media ! ASER Dissemination Segmented Groups for Accountability & Action
ASER 2014 Partners from Sindh 10,000 Volunteers – Citizens – Youth ! Brac Pakistan Community Research & Development Organization (CRDO) Department of Education, FATA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Haq Development Foundation Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) Institute for Professional Learning (IPL) National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)
ASER 2014 Development Partners
Thank You