National Library of New Zealand Dave Thompson Resource Development Analyst Digital Initiatives Unit
NLNZ is working with the Handle System as a way of developing and testing the use of persistent identifiers - PIDs - to permanently identify digital materials.
Two fold approach 1.Structure and design/naming schema of handles, handle workflows/administration, application and use of Handles and identifiers in NLNZ 2.Technical environment: hardware/software environment, networks, capacity/load issues, resolution issues
This proposal for the allocation of PIDs is based on the following principles: The primary purpose of the PID is to provide a unique and permanent name, and resolution is an added value. The PID object relationship is a permanent one. If the content of the digital object changes a new PID is allocated.
The Handle prefix has been split to represent archival and non-archival collections. NLNZ assigns PIDs using two issuing authorities. Represented as: This split between archival items selected for other purposes reflects different degrees of commitment the NLNZ has to preserving the digital object. Resources selected for the digital archive, represented by a sequence of /nnnnnnnn, and Non archival resources, represented by a sequence of /nnnnnnnn
NLNZ has not yet fully addressed all of the technical issues required to implement the Handle System. Key work is required on: Robustness of the Handle model when scaled up to work at a national level, the ability to integrate the Java tool into existing systems and workflow structures Multiple resolution and how we apply what functionality is available Potential performance / capacity / volume issues when many users channel requests through our single Handle server Size of hardware environment. Need for / advantage of multiple servers Network. Capacity / routing issues using different Handle resolution formats (HTTP, HDL, etc)
Further questions DOI uses the Handle system. What is the relationship between the basic Handle system and DOI? Is DOI a wrapper around the Handle? Who developed DOI and who owns it? Compatibility issues, can we adapt Handle system? If so where is the international infrastructure? What other persistent identifiers are out there or on the horizon?
Discover is a resource of the National Library of New Zealand and is an online treasure trove of New Zealand art and music that supports the Visual Arts and Music disciplines of the Arts/Ngā Toi curriculum. URL: User ID: demo Password: sep24