A Time of Change Puberty - a period of sexual development when a person becomes sexually mature and able to reproduce –This is when hormones in a young person’s body are more intense and the Reproductive system begins to change. Menopause - A period in life when a woman’s ovulation and menstruation cease
Pregnancy Statistics The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and births 34% of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 8 in 10 ten of these teen pregnancies are accidents and 79% are to unmarried teens.
Hormones Women –Estrogen –Progesterone Stimulates egg growth/maturity Men –Testosterone Stimulates sperm growth Complete chart at top of page 2 in the packet – use your book page 489
REPRODUCTION Ova (egg) – female cells of reproduction Sperm – male cells of reproduction
Reproduction: Life Cycle STAGEWHAT HAPPENS IN EACH OF THE STAGES OF REPRODUCTION 1. FERTILIZATION Only one sperm out of the millions can fertilize the egg. The fertilized egg undergoes cell division occurs and travels to the uterus. 2. THE ZYGOTE The united sperm and egg that travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. 3. CELL DIVISION Cell division takes place after fertilization forming the embryo. 4. THE BLASTOCYTE A hallow spherical structure made up of cells, forms when an embryo divides and grows. 5. IMPLANTATION the process in which the blastocyst attaches itself to the wall of the uterus.
REPRODUCTION 3. Cell division 5. Implantation 4. Blastocyst Uterus 1. Fertilization 2. Zygote Fallopian Tube ovary
Development in the Uterus Wall of uterus Amniotic Fluid Cervix Vagina Umbilical Cord Amniotic Sac Placenta
Development in the uterus Placenta – attachment holding the embryo to the uterus wall Amniotic Sac – “bag of waters” in uterus, in which fetus floats Umbilical Cord – “ropelike” structure which carries nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to the embryo
Development in the Uterus Gestation – the period from conception to birth ( 3 TRIMESTERS – 3 MONTHS each ZYGOTE FERTILIZATION – WEEK 2 EMBRYO WEEK 3 – WEEK 8 FETUS WEEK 9 – WEEK 40 INFANT WHEN BABY IS OUT OF MOTHER
Vaginal Birth Infant born head first Breech Birth Infant not born head first usually leads to cesarean Cesarean Section Infant not born head first Episiotomy – surgical cut made in vagina Epidural – A shot given in the spinal cord to numb the mother from the waist down
Complications at Birth Stillbirth – occurs when a fetus dies and is expelled from the body after the 20 th week of pregnancy Premature birth – delivery of a live baby before the 37 th week Low Birth weight – newborn that weights less than 5.5 pounds
Multiple Births Identical Twins – a single fertilized egg (fertilized by 1 sperm) that divides into 2 identical embryos Fraternal Twins – Sometime 2 eggs are released from the ovaries and are fertilized by 2 sperm
**SAFE AND ABANDONED BABIES ACT** Where are safe havens? –In Illinois, the safe havens for newborns are : Staffed fire stations Staffed police stations Hospitals Emergency care facilities What does the law do? –The law is intended to provide an alternative to the parents of newborn infants to relinquish their unharmed infants to staff in safe havens while remaining anonymous and avoiding civil or criminal liability. It is recognized that establishing a traditional adoption plan through a private or public adoption agency or choosing to parent the child is a preferable parenting plan to abandonment or relinquishment of an infant. However, the purpose of this law is to reduce the risk of harm to a newborn by a parent who may be under undue stress.
CONTRACEPTIVES Only 100% way to protect from STI’s and unwanted pregnancy is …. Abstinence Which means you choose to not engage in sexual activity until marriage.
Birth Control PillNorplant
Intrauterine Device (IUD) Vaginal V Spermicides
Diaphragm Cervical Cap
Male Condom Female Condom Fertility Awareness Method
Female Sterilization Male Sterilization
Sponge Ring Patch
Test tomorrow Can use packets –Endocrine/male/female reproductive systems –Life cycle –Contraceptives