The Pill Description: A pill composed of synthetic hormones that stops the ovary from releasing an egg- women will not ovulate. Effectiveness : over 99% Obtained: Must have a prescription through a gynecologist or family planning clinic.
The Pill (continued) Possible Side Effects: Nausea, breast tenderness, weight gain, dangerous if you are a smoker Do not use someone else ’ s pills Normal menstrual cycles still occur. Helps regulate periods and reduce complications (cramps, pms) Must be taken everyday at the same time!
Spermicides Description: Act as physical barrier that contain sperm- killing chemical Effectiveness: 78% Obtain: Over-the-counter at drug store or supermarket
Possible Side Effects: May cause irritation Must be inserted deep in the vagina and must be used every time intercourse occurs May provide some protection against STDs.
Condom Description: Placed over an erect penis. It prevents semen from entering the vagina Effectiveness: 85% Obtained: Over-the counter at drug store or supermarket
Possible side effects: Slight possibility of breakage or leakage Be careful opening package Do not store condoms in wallet or places exposed to extreme temperatures The rim of the condom must be held after intercourse so that the condom does not slip off as the penis is withdrawn
Diaphragm Description: Large rubber cap which covers the cervix. Must be used with spermicide. Effectiveness: 85% Obtained: Through gynecologist or family clinic
Possible Side Effects: May be awkward to insert and remove Can be inserted up to 2 hours before intercourse Must be left in place for 6 hours after intercourse
Cervical Cap Description: Small rubber cap that covers the cervix. Must be used with spermcide. Effectiveness: 85% Obtained: Through gynecologist or family clinic
Possible Side Effects: Can be awkward to insert and remove Can be inserted up to 2 hours before intercourse Must be left in place for 6 hours afterwards
I.U.D. Description: Intrauterine device that is thought to somehow interfere with the sperm ’ s ability to reach the egg or with a fertilized egg ’ s ability to implant Effectiveness: 97% Obtained: Inserted by a gynecologist. Once inserted, may prevent pregnancy for several years.
Possible Side Effects: Can cause increased bleeding and cramps. Not recommended for women who have not had families. Pelvic inflammatory disease. (PID).
Sponge Description: A sperm barrier treated with spermicide. The sponge physically stops the sperm and the chemical kills them. Effectiveness: 85% Obtained: Over the counter at the drug store or supermarket
Possible Side Effects: The chemicals may cause irritation. May be difficult to remove
ABSTINENCE Description: No intercourse Effectiveness: 100% ** This is the only 100% effective method of birth control**
Withdrawal Description: The penis is pulled out of the vagina prior to ejaculation. Ejaculation occurs outside of the vagina Effectiveness: Less than 75% VERY risky method b because if even a tiny drop of semen comes in contact with vaginal fluid, pregnancy can occur. Does not protect against STDs.
Rhythm Description: Intercourse is avoided during ovulation. Effectiveness: Less than 75% The female keeps track of menstrual cycle on a calendar. *It is difficult to determine when ovulation occurs. Therefore this is a risky method of birth control, especially for teenagers.