+ EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?
+ Bell ringer How do you communicate emotions to people? Give a personal example How can you tell a person is extremely mad or happy without talking to them?
+ Communicating emotions nonverbally Emotions shown on a person’s face and in body language Page 173: Identify the emotions
+ 7 primary emotions Consistent across cultures People find these are the easiest emotions to correctly identify from facial expressions Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, surprise, contempt, sadness
+ Close your eyes Frown for 30 seconds Smile for 30 seconds
+ When you were frowning, did you feel unhappy? How did you feel when you were smiling? Why? Pen/comics study
+ Facial Feedback hypothesis Specific facial expressions trigger the experience of specific emotions Facial muscles send feedback signals to the brain, producing neurological changes that can trigger specific emotions
+ Discussion Have you ever been in a situation that you don’t feel it would be appropriate to express your emotions? Explain Do you have friends that express their emotions more or less that you do. Explain
+ Gender Men and women have same ability to experience emotions but usually express emotions differently Men: express tough emotions- anger, contempt, pride Women: express tender emotions-sadness, fear, empathy
+ Culture Reading and answer questions (how to express emotions in other cultures) Do different cultures physiologically experience emotions differently? What is different amongst different cultures?
+ Can you spot the fake smile (if time) miles/index.shtml