One of the most splendid contribution of the South to theatre The most enduring Dance and dance-drama The marriage of drama, dance, mime, gesture and music
T oday Bharata Natyam is one of the most popular and widely performed dance styles and is practiced by male and female dancers all over India.
Scientifically defines the art and explains its scope
Dramatic representation was conceived of in three forms: Natya, Nritya and Nritta Natya= gesture with language, that is drama In the Nataka, the story is drawn from mythology or historical record, the subject is celebrated
Rasa is about the human state of mind; focusing on what the mind feels and the expression of the feeling thereafter Rasa is the emotion experienced by the audience created by the facial expression
The dance is divided into nine distinct parts each one depicting a significant emotion: › SHRINGARA – Happiness › VEERA – Valour › KARUNYA – Pity › ADBHUTA – Wonder and Surprise › HASYA – Laughter/Mirth › HAYANKA – Fear › BHIBATSA – Disgust › ROUDRA – Anger › SHANTAM – Peace
Rukminidevi Arundale in South India in the thirties pioneered in the use of the traditional solo dance form Bharata Natyam for dance-drama and ballet
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Benegal, Som. A Panorama of Theatre in India Gaudiya Nritya “Presentation through Navarasa” Varadpande, M.L. Indian Theatre