Food Grain Production During for “Krishi Karman Award ” Uttar Pradesh
Achievements of Production & Productivity SlSeasonProduction (Lakh MT) Productivity (Q/ha) % Rise % Rise 1Kharif Rabi Food grain SlCropProduction (Lakh MT) Productivity (Q/ha) % Increase % Increase 1Cereals Pulses Food Grains Oil seeds Total Production data based on crop cutting experiments from SASA
Crop wise Production and Productivity SlCropProduction (Lakh MT) Productivity (Q/ha) % Rise % Rise 1Rice Wheat Maize Bajra Jowar Total Pulses Total Cereals Total Food Grains Based on Crop cutting experiments from SASA
4 4 RegionsFoodgrain % Increase % increase Western Central Eastern Bundelkhand U.P Lakh MT Increasing trend in Production
5 5 RegionsFoodgrain % Increase % increase Western Central Eastern Bundelkhand U.P Q/Ha Increasing trend in Productivity
Procurement of Food grains SlCropsMarketing Year Marketing Year up to TargetProcurementTargetProcurement 1Wheat Rice (Lakh MT)
Food grain Production (Lakh MT) (Rs. In Crore) Expenditure
(Rs. In Crore) Expenditure Sl. No Sub SchemeExpenditure (Crore Rupees) 1BGREI INSIMP4.40 3Pulse Villages947.37
9 Major Initiatives - UP SectorInitiative Seed & Farms Quantum jump in subsidy for Hybrid seeds of Rice ( from Rs. 40/kg to Rs. 80/kg), Bajra and Corn. 2.5 lakh ha area under Swarna Sub-1 and 0.47 lakh ha under Sahbhagidhan. Initiated Hybrid Maize production involving private sector. 100% Seed treatment targeted. Fertilizer Leaf color chart being introduced for application of fertilizer. Pre-positioning of 8 lakh MT phosphatic fertilizer and 3.0 laklh MT Urea. Plan to make fertilizer available 1 month in advance. Wheat lakh ha. Area covered under line sowing in Wheat. Plan to enhance this activity in 20 lakh ha. in coming Rabi lakh ha Conservation tillage with the use of modern implements in wheat Rice Popularizing SRI (0.63 lakh ha), Introduction of stress tolerant varieties (2.97 lakh ha), Maximizing use of hybrid Rice(13 lakh ha area). Promoting Drum seeding in Rice (1.25 lakh ha). Pulse 0.97 lakh ha Intercropping of black/green gram in sugarcane. Plan to cover 2.0 lakh ha area in ensuing Rabi and Zaid. Maize Covering 1.5 lakh ha. area with hybrid maize.
10 SectorInitiative Mechanization Tensiometers introduced to optimize irrigation in fields. PACS being developed as Custom Hiring Centers. Introduction of Mini combine harvester, Reaper Binder & Power Tiller. Big jump in distribution of modern implements like Rotavator, Zero trill seed drill and ferti Seed drill Extension15 lakh SMS advisories to farmers CRS functional at Saharanpur Farmers club developed by NABARD/banks to act as center of extension activities. Meeting on 1st Thursday after 10th of each month with scientists of KVK, officials of extension agencies and farmers. KCCKCC to all the eligible farmers with the help of village level functionaries of Agriculture, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Cane Department lakh new KCCs issued during and Lakh KCCs targeted for saturation during Plant ProtectionShifting from highly toxic pesticides (Red) to lesser toxic pesticides. Thrust on use of Bio-pesticides and Bio-agents. Soil HealthAmbitious program of Dhaincha seed production and 1 lakh qtl. buy back of Dhaincha seed initiated. 1.0 crore bio fertilizer packets to be distributed with the involvement of private sector. Subsidy on Bio-fertilizes, Micronutrients, Gypsum, Zinc Sulphate, Bio- pesticides and Bio-agents raised upto 75%. Soil Conservation New Scheme BHUMI SENA launched ha area in Katri Project brought under cultivation for the first time.
Target for 12th Plan CropsAchievement Base Year Target 12 th Plan Target for the year Production (LMT) Productivity (qtl/ha) Production (LMT) Productivity (qtl/ha) Production (LMT) Productivity (qtl/ha) Rice Wheat Pulses Foodgrain Oilseed (Pure) Assuming 5.1% growth rate in food grain production. The target for the food grain production in the terminal year of 12th plan would be lakh M.T considering as a base year. The crop-wise details are as follows:- 11
Inter Departmental Co-ordination Inter departmental working group constituted under the chairmanship of APC which reviews developmental and coordination issues with power, irrigation, co-operative, banks and agriculture research etc. State level seminar organised under the chairmanship of APC in each season for reviewing preparedness and input arrangement. Follow up review meeting with Commissioners and District Magistrates under the chairmanship of APC. Quarterly SLBC organised to sort out issues regarding farm loans, KCC. Joint Coordination Committee (involving Principle Secretary Agriculture, Cooperative, Managing Director PCF and UP Agro and Director Agriculture) meets daily to review supplies and distribution of fertilizers during peak season. Coordination with power, irrigation, fertilizers, credit etc through RKVY.
Strategy Mission on Soil Health – Upgrade soil testing Infrastructure – Schemes for improving organic content of soils; green manuring, composting and recycling of organic waste. – Thrust on Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides. – Support for increased use of Micro Nutrients. – Thrust on Bio fertilizers – Scheme for balanced use of fertilizers and for improving fertilizer use efficiency.
Agro climatic zone-wise crop specific strategies for yield improvement – RICE: SRR to be increased from 24% to 35%. Area under hybrid to be increased from 13 lakh H to 20 Lakh H. Promotion of Stress tolerant varieties. Promotion of Drum seeding: target of 10 lakh H. – WHEAT Programme for line sowing – demonstrations and extension. Programme / Scheme for weed control. Promoting conservation tillage and short duration varieties in late sown areas. Replacement of old varieties – focus on VRR.
Agro climatic zone-wise crop specific strategies for yield improvement – PULSES Increasing area under pulses. – Intercropping – Summer / Jayad pulses programme. Research for improved varieties of pulses. Micro irrigation for pulse areas Promotion of Rizhobium culture for pulses. Scheme for IPM in pulses. Area of concern – Blue bull menace – OIL SEEDS Increased area under oil seeds – Til and Groundnut Varietal improvement Scheme for IPM Better Marketing arrangements.
Bringing wastelands under cultivation – Usar reclamation progarmme – Bhoomi Sena – IWMP and NABARD assisted programmes. Farm Mechanization – Custom hiring centres – Training on farm machinery – Use of Machines for crop residue management. – Private partnerships.
Strengthening Extension – Fill up vacancies at grass root level. – Use of IT for extension – Collaboration with private agencies – Strengthening linkages with SAUs and KVKs for extension. – Skill upgradation of extension staff. Enhanced Farm Credit – Saturation of KCCs; Smart KCCs. – Liasion with banks for BCs in all villages. – Promotion of JLGs. – Crop loan target to be enhanced to 75,000 cr by the end of the plan period.
19 Seed Increasing SRR up to 42% in as against 34.24% in Distribution of seeds – lakh qtls in against lakh qtls in Focus on varietal replacement. Emphasis on hybrid seed distribution. Popularsing seed treatment programme. Adoption of SRI technique, drum seeding and line sowing.
20 Fertilizer Pre positioning of Phosphatic and Nitrogenous fertilizer. Focus on bio fertilizer(PSB,Rhizobiun culture) Enhancing Distribution of Micro nutrients. Efforts on Bringing down NPK ratio from 11: 4 : 1 in to 6.5 : 2.7 : 1 in
21 Crop Loan (in Crore) Increasing crop loan distribution 2.5 times during 12 th Plan
22 SectorInvestment upto March 2012 (Cr Rs) Univ./Res.Org Agriculture NAFED39.02 AFC SIMA Lucknow8.27 Beej Vikas Nigam67.37 Animal Husbandry/Dairly Horticulture84.86 Sericulture35.31 Fisheries21.53 Diversification Irrigation RSAC3053 UP-Agro8.60 Sugarcane32.01 U.P Council of Sugarcane Research28.76 Cooperative Others28.76 Total Investments by Other Departments Under RKVY
Plan to Harvest Additional 63.0 Lakh M.T. during to raise Production from lakh lakh M.T. CropItemAdditional Production (lakh M.T.) Area (lakh ha) Remarks WheatLine sowing Weed Management RiceUnder Hybrid Under SRI PulsesInter cropping in sugarcane Zaid CornAdditional area under hybrid Kharif Rabi Sub Total30.00 All cropsUse of micro nutrient, Sulpher Gysum, Varietal replacement. Watermanagement Bio fertilizer etc Increase of 1 to 1.5 qtls/ha Total increase in production63.00
Strategies for Enhancing production in Eastern U.P. Increase in Irrigation Facility. Increase in SRR. Extension of benefits of latest production technology. Timely Sowing. Balanced use of Fertilizer. Mechanization. Better Credit linkage- JLG’s
25 ItemUnitAch Target ( )Ach.AchAch Productivity CerealsQ/Ha PulsesQ/Ha Food Grains Q/Ha Food grain Production KharifLac MT RabiLac MT Total Lac MT Future Prospects For Food Grain Production Target for
Expenditure Analysis (Rs. In Crore)
27 27 RegionsCerealsPulsesFoodgrain % % % Western Central Eastern Bundelkha nd U.P Q/Ha Increasing trend in productivity of crops in Bundelkhand and E.U.P.
Impact of Central programs on Production Enhancement in SRR. (Increased from 22% in to 40% in ) Seed production by SSC up from …… in to …. In Demonstration of new technologies. (SRI, Hybrids, Line sowing, improved package of practices) Increasing trend in use of farm machineries specially (Increased from 0.21 lakh in to 1.70 lakh in ). Increased use of Micronutrients, Bio-Pesticides and Bio-fertilizers. Field level functionaries provided under ATMA and NFSM. Large number of exposure visits organised for farmers. Additional area brought under cultivation through land improvement. Providing platform for initiatives and new activities to raise production. Increasing trend in productivity of crops in Bundelkhand and E.U.P.
29 12 th Plan : Enhancing Production & Productivity CropsAchievement Base Year Target 12th Plan Production (LMT) Productivity (qtl/ha) Production (LMT) Productivity (qtl/ha) Rice Wheat Pulses Foodgrains Oilseed * The targeted growth rate for 12 th plan is 5.10 %
Initiatives for 12 th plan Providing KCC to all the eligible farmers Pre-positoning of fertilizers to meet the peak demand Dhaincha Seed production programme for successful green manuring. Inter-croping of pulses with sugarcane for raising pulse production. Line sowing of wheat in eastern U.P. Massive weed control programme Three fold increase in crop loan distribution. Strengthening of soil health Promoting sowing of Ground nut in Zaid for enhancing oil seed production. Reclaiming wasteland in the catchment of Ramganga Revival of Bhoomi sena yojna.
31 Crop specific strategies to reduce gap between potential and actual farm yields. Wheat-line sowing mainly in Eastern UP Rice-SRI, Stress tolerant varieties, Use of hybrid seeds. Pulses-Intercropping with sugar cane, jowar and bajra, coverage in zaid. Maize-Use of hybrid seeds. Bridging yield gaps in Eastern UP and Bundelkhand. Rejuvenation of soils through soil testing, green manuring, bio-fertilisers, micro- nutrients etc. Improvement of degraded lands and land productivity through IWMP. Intensification of modern extension techniques through Mass media, Mega Farmer Fairs, farmer clubs and KVKs. Thrust on efficient water management in Bundelkhand. Timely availability of quality inputs Saturation of all farming families with kisan credit cards and enhancing crop loan from Rs crores to Rs crores.STRATEGY
32 NADEP Compost VERMI Compost
Impact of Central programs on Production Input for production Enhancement in SRR. from 22% in to 36.51% in Fertilizer Consumption increased from 161 kg/ha in to 172 kg/ha in Crop Loan distribution increased from 8706 crore in to crore in Increasing trend in use of farm machineries from 0.21 lakh in to 2.54 lakh in Potential irrigated area increased from Lakh to lakh ha. in Increased use of Micronutrients, Bio-Pesticides and Bio-fertilizers. Process Demonstration of new technologies(1.2 lakh in Kharif and 2.40 lakh in Rabi), Field level functionaries provided under ATMA and NFSM. Large number of exposure visits organised for farmers. Additional area brought under cultivation through land improvement. Providing platform for initiatives and new activities to raise production. Increasing trend in productivity of crops in Bundelkhand and E.U.P.